Panasonic RX-DT680 vs RX-DT690

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Member (SA)
Hello All,

I'm new to this forum, having come upon it while searching for a replacement for my lost Panasonic RX-DT690 portable audio system. I bought it in 1989 to help celebrate my son's entrance into first grade, and had it continuously until a few months ago. I loaned it to a friend for her work with a church youth group, where it eventually disappeared. I'm heartbroken! SInce I lost my son in a freak airplane accident four years ago, the boombox was my constant reminder of him and our mutual love of music.

I've been searching frantically for a replacement for the past several weeks, to no avail. Although I've located several RX-DT680 models, I've had no luck finding an RX-DT690. So, although I certainly prefer a replacement that's exactly like the one I lost, it seems I must resign myself to whichever model I can find.

My big question is: What's the difference(s) between the RX-DT680 model and the RX-DT690 model? From looking at photos of the two devices, it's obvious that the RX-DT690 model has a woofer and two tweeters in each speaker, while the RX-DT680 model has a woofer and only one tweeter per speaker.

I'd be most grateful if someone would school me on what other differences exist between these two models. I'd also be greatly indebted to anyone who could help me locate an RX-DT690 to replace the one I lost. Thanks in advance!



Boomus Fidelis
:hi: Brenda, So sorry for your loss :sad: I'm not real sure about the differences but all these models come up on EBay all the time. If the 690 is the one you originally owned, I would wait for another to come up on EBay. You will be much happier with the original you had because me personally it's the better of the 2 :thumbsup: I wish you luck in your search and I will keep my eyes posted ;-)


Member (SA)
Thanks, Bill, both for the quick reply and for the sage advice. I must agree with you. I've had a couple of opportunities to buy an RX-DT680 model, but just couldn't bring myself to take advantage of them. You're right ...I should hold out for what I really want. After all, I have many fond memories associated with the RX-DT690, so I shouldn't let them go so easily.

I look forward to hearing from you again ...and from anyone else who's willing to help. Much thanks!


Member (SA)
A dedicated search resulted in my finding the remote control unit for my lost boombox. I googled the model number shown on the remote, and got a shock. My remote control is for the RX-DT-680 model - not the 690 as I previously thought. That being the case, I've revised my frantic boombox search for an RX-DT680, instead. I'd be grateful, still, for any help I can get finding one. Thank you!

Lasonic TRC-920

Welcome to the site brother. Heart wrenching story....I'm sure there are some heads around here that can help you track one down!

Most of these guys are pretty sharp....just not pretty! :w00t: :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
I agree with that ! I've been reading through a lot of these posts, and I'm amazed at the wealth of knowlege here. If you read through here long enough, you can figure out how to fix your own unit, and keep from being ripped off at the local repair shops (and I use that term very loosely). I, on the other hand, have a hard time just figuring out how to navigate my way through the forum and then find my way back again! :lol:

Reading through this forum has really sparked my interest in boomboxes. I loved my old boombox because it had a very nice AM/FM radio; great sound with fantastic bass; a double cassette deck that recorded from one deck to the other (with auto reverse); a CD deck; and separating speakers. I'm wondering if there were boomboxes made by other manufacturers that have similar features. I'm considering starting a boombox collection of my own!


Member (SA)
bljteach said:
I agree with that ! I've been reading through a lot of these posts, and I'm amazed at the wealth of knowlege here. If you read through here long enough, you can figure out how to fix your own unit, and keep from being ripped off at the local repair shops (and I use that term very loosely). I, on the other hand, have a hard time just figuring out how to navigate my way through the forum and then find my way back again! :lol:

Reading through this forum has really sparked my interest in boomboxes. I loved my old boombox because it had a very nice AM/FM radio; great sound with fantastic bass; a double cassette deck that recorded from one deck to the other (with auto reverse); a CD deck; and separating speakers. I'm wondering if there were boomboxes made by other manufacturers that have similar features. I'm considering starting a boombox collection of my own!
Run for your life before your house turns into a boombox museum. :w00t:

bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
sorry for your loss heartbreaking story...... i will hunt a bit and see what i can come up with....latley been on a lucky streak.... :-D


Member (SA)
So sorry to hear about the loss of your son. In losing someone so close is the reason cherished memories are remembered through past shared music. Anyway, being a collector of vintage boomboxes(Lasonic, JVC, & Panasonic) I can give you some good advice since I own both the 680 & 690. First, the RX-DT690 is the successor model to the RX-DT680. Although the 690 is widely considered the better of the two they are relatively close in sound/power output & have basically the same exact features. Due to the noticeable appearance of the additional 3rd speaker on the 690 , mentally without even hearing the two, nearly everyone automatically assumes it sounds better. That additional speaker is somewhat deceiving. It is not a true mid-range as everyone thinks. Actually, it is a Squawker speaker & that is exactly how the manufacturer Panasonic refers to it. I have done "Blind" audio listening tests with my friends & many of them are shocked to find out that they picked the 680 OVER the 690. Here`s my more importantly advice in locating one-like I said I own both which I searched for 2 years to find. I bought them off of Craigslist. $65 for the 690 & $50 for the 680! Both in mint shape , all functions perfectly working, with remote control & original owners manual! Amazing! You may have to click on ads or research/email/call further as many people (not realizing the demand for these rare items) don`t list them as Panasonic or the Model #`s. You are lucky to live in a dense metropolitan area as you do & not a small Nebraska/Kansas town etc. so they should be more available used. Make sure to bring a CD & 2 cassettes-1 cassette a blank recordable to check out the record function the record side deck. These are nearly impossible to fix as manufacturer parts are scarce & too expensive/bothersome to repair. My advice is also to stay away from Ebay. You will pay top dollar as collectors are very competitive in outbidding/purchasing these plus the additional high shipping cost. I can tell you from bad experience. I have purchase some boomboxes there which were listed as excellent/perfect. I even emailed them asking to make sure all features/functions worked perfectly which they stated "Absolutely" only to be disappointed when it arrived to find glitches in the item. In my opinion, JVC made the best sounding high powered boomboxes but are not long lasting & dependable as the reliable workhorse Panasonic older 1990`s RX series. The JVC`s have multiple circuit/motherboards with cpu/computer chips that don`t last. Good Luck in your search because when you find one in perfect condition at a fantastic price it`s all the more sweeter! You can even call me if you wish for any additional info at (954) 920-9808. Take Care & Best Regards.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Another difference between the two is the EQ section. The DT-680 has a 5-band EQ where the DT-690 only has a 4-band. Also, the lowest EQ adjustment on the 680 is 100MHz. The 690 is 330MHz. Oh, the 680 also has SXBS (extra bass). Just about everyone here who has both will agree that the 680 sounds better. :yes:


Member (SA)
OMG! Fatdog is totally correct about the 4 EQ 690 &5 EQ 680. I own both, stared at them side by side many times & never noticed that! WOW! Just goes to show ya how blind a person can be. But they BOTH have S-XBS adjustment controls-that I`m positive about.


Member (SA)
Just reading this post, neither the DT680 nor DT690 were available in 1989 were they?

I'm pretty sure my DT680 is a 1994... that would be a long production run!


Boomus Fidelis
Get the one you think looks the best. For me, that's the 680. I don't like the light gray knob in the center of the 690.


Member (SA)
I just performed a test with both unit and the DT690 central unit, despite double amplification and 90 watts plays weaker than the DT680 who is single amplification 57 watts. I don't even understand why.

But at least I was glad to test the DT680 with the DT690 speakers (3 way speakers). The result is less bass but increased tweeter sound. I would say, if I want to listen to beats I would go with the original speakers, but for music like rock I was glad to have more treble. It's really a matter of taste. If you have a DT680 and can get your hand on a pair of DT690 speakers for cheap, I think it's worth trying.

The DT680 central unit wins hand down with both pair of speaker, it's not even close.


Member (SA)
Very cool report! Sounds like you had some boombox fun. I think not long ago,one of our other members preformed a similar test and came to the same conclusion. Got to get me one of those dt680's.
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