My Sharp GF 9090 needs professional care
I have a good tech to work on it
He has a Panasonic RX 5150 he wants to sell me
What's a decent price for one of these, guys? It's in good shape and he's going to go all through it before he sells it. What should I be looking at here if everything goes OK? Is this a well sought-after model, after all it was made in 1982...I want to make a smart decision.

I have a good tech to work on it

He has a Panasonic RX 5150 he wants to sell me

What's a decent price for one of these, guys? It's in good shape and he's going to go all through it before he sells it. What should I be looking at here if everything goes OK? Is this a well sought-after model, after all it was made in 1982...I want to make a smart decision.
