Finally done! After waiting a few weeks for a new belt ordered for main drive and a motor I bought on ebay which was from a JVC professional tape deck / rack system style, I got my Panasonic back to playing cassettes with super accurate speed and clarity. What a feeling to accomplish something like this. To some of you electronic gurus, this is not a big deal, but to me, it's a big deal. Been struggling with some personal issues and with my job....which I used to love, and now despise. It was therapeutic, rewarding and enjoyable to work on a boombox that I had when I got my first Panny 5085 in 1982. This isn't the original one I bought, but same model. Pushing play key on tape deck and it fired right up with correct speed and without tampering the speed screw...whew! Awesome! What a fun hobby! I enjoy reading all your stories, tech support and pics! Thanks guys! Sorry if this topic is in wrong thread category.