Paint speck removal tips?

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Member (SA)
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have a sure fire method for removing dried paint spec from boxes? Specifically the case (not speakers, or bezels etc.) I'm hesitant to use any cleanser on the case without knowing if it will destroy it... :sadno:


Boomus Fidelis
Brutus442 said:
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have a sure fire method for removing dried paint spec from boxes? Specifically the case (not speakers, or bezels etc.) I'm hesitant to use any cleanser on the case without knowing if it will destroy it... :sadno:

The best way I have found is to use mild soap and water. Let it soak to soften paint specks. Then with your nail scrape off then rinse and wipe. Worked great for me on the Sanyo M X620 I just received :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If the paint resembles a "mist" and not actually big specks, you might have good luck with Orange Glo. It worked wonders on my old Sanyo M-X720.

For the larger specks, I just use my trusty thumbnail.


I Am Legend
for rapid // complete and efficient removal of gigantic paint specks, deep engravings,, lame stickers
and unsightly scratches --
we -- in the trailer parks -- use these - with 40 grid --

also --when your task is completed --which should take about 12 seconds-- :-O :-D

line this tool up --at any red light --next to a new porche turbo -
it will WIPE it -- off- the- line -
uphill // down hill -- anytime :w00t: :w00t: :thumbsup:



Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
for rapid // complete and efficient removal of gigantic paint specks, deep engravings,, lame stickers
and unsightly scratches --
we -- in the trailer parks -- use these - with 40 grid --

also --when your task is completed --which should take about 12 seconds-- :-O :-D

line this tool up --at any red light --next to a new porche turbo -
it will WIPE it -- off- the- line -
uphill // down hill -- anytime :w00t: :w00t: :thumbsup:

[ Image ]

That will get rid of everything including the kitchen sink :w00t: :lol:


Member (SA)
These are great suggestions gentlemen...thanks.

They are indeed just small paint specs and I've tried the fingernail approach with no luck. but I will try all suggestions in order

1. water/ soap soaking
2. Baking soda....I actually have some :thumbsup:
3. Orange glo...I have to go out and by some
4. Ira's Fix-all the belt sander :jason: ....or should I move this to the top :hmmm:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Thanks so much guys...I'll let you know the results! :superduper:

bklyn sound

Requiem Æternam
i reall y don't know of a quick fix for that ...i use a product called aftalene sometime i.. have luck with it...but for stubron paint i dont know of an easy fix you may have to respray the panel thats what i have done a few times ...sorry :sad: :sad:
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