Over zealous engineer

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Member (SA)
This is the most overly complicated door mechanism I've ever seen.


Bonus points for guessing the box!
The string is attached to a spring.


Staff member
It's an Aiwa 660 and those Aiwa engineers should be called anything but. In fact, they should be shot.

But it's not anywhere near the most complicated thing you'll ever see, when you see enough.


Staff member
ford93 said:
Its all about the consumer thats why engineers are over zealous. :-D

You mean all about the consumer paying for repairs.... :-/

There was a time when Joe Citizen could reasonably repair his stuff...now the only choice is pay an arm and a leg to repair, or toss it and buy another. :-/


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I love it, a full on watch mechanism to slow the descent of the door. :-D :thumbsdown:

EVOLUTION - stupid along the way... :huh:
Hey Chris,It's over engineered,but it works well and doesn't wear out and leak like the grease style dampeners..... :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

skippy1969 said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I love it, a full on watch mechanism to slow the descent of the door. :-D :thumbsdown:

EVOLUTION - stupid along the way... :huh:
Hey Chris,It's over engineered,but it works well and doesn't wear out and leak like the grease style dampeners..... :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Oh yeah.....the grease style....what we go through to have a slow descending door! :-D :yes: :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
skippy1969 said:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I love it, a full on watch mechanism to slow the descent of the door. :-D :thumbsdown:

EVOLUTION - stupid along the way... :huh:
Hey Chris,It's over engineered,but it works well and doesn't wear out and leak like the grease style dampeners..... :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Oh yeah.....the grease style....what we go through to have a slow descending door! :-D :yes: :hmmm:
LOL! Yeah,but sloooooooow eject is so cool! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cool: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Retro Addict said:
OK the string on this over-engineered mechanism of my CS600 has snapped. How do you go about fixing this problem?
Where did the string snap? :hmmm:
In the middle or on the deck door or the dampener mechanism? :-O

Retro Addict

Member (SA)
skippy1969 said:
Retro Addict said:
OK the string on this over-engineered mechanism of my CS600 has snapped. How do you go about fixing this problem?
Where did the string snap? :hmmm:
In the middle or on the deck door or the dampener mechanism? :-O
Right near the damper mechanism. :sad: I think it's screwed if I'm honest.


Boomus Fidelis
Retro Addict said:
skippy1969 said:
Retro Addict said:
OK the string on this over-engineered mechanism of my CS600 has snapped. How do you go about fixing this problem?
Where did the string snap? :hmmm:
In the middle or on the deck door or the dampener mechanism? :-O
Right near the damper mechanism. :sad: I think it's screwed if I'm honest.

No your not screwed at all. :w00t: :thumbsup:
All you need to do is take the string off from the door and the spring the attaches to the front panel.
Get a string of similar type and length Like an old tuner string form a junker box.
Reattach the spring and the door to each end of the string like the original.
leave the spring unhooked from it's mounting point.
keep the cassette door closed during this next step.
Then wrap the string around the drum of the dampener until the end of the spring is about an inch from it's mounting point.
You may need to wind or unwind a turn or two on the dampeners drum to get this right.
Now hook up the spring to it's mounting point.
Check the operation,you may need to wind the string on the drum in the opposite direction if the door won't open correctly.
That's it! :yes
I've done tons of these over the years........
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