Original speakers color? Or re-painted?

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Member (SA)


Member (SA)
Gee they're a little too white aren't they.......... mine are nearly yellow.

Brian, I don't suppose you have a Volume Knob for one of these do you?


Member (SA)
Yeah.... They are a little too white, are they not? :hmmm:

For the knob, I think last original was sold a while back... but I can make you one... let me know.


Member (SA)
Here's mine, 1100 Yen, arrived earlier this week, needs more than a volume knob tho......

Speakers are turning [strike]yellow[/strike] brown. I'll send a pm about the knob.



Member (SA)
They look great white! fur-sure!!!

I would LOVE for a owner of the time (in/from Japan, of course) to be a "member" and have a pic of the times with his/her 1000 and/or be able to tell us if the speakers were originally white-white off-white cream, or just cream-brownish (and that is why most are now thew color they are)... Would love to know.

We could try and get an idea off a promotional brochure of the times as well (knowing that promotional pics would not be totally natural, making the speakers look whiter than they really were...)

ShIit, I would just like to know... :blush:

They LOOOOOOK great in white!


Member (SA)
Ohhh.... Thanks (probably Fatdog) for putting the pic up directly..... I do not like doing that for one never knows if the "Owner" of the pic might "Get Upset" :'-(
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