Oldsmobile Complimentary Tape Cartridge

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Lasonic TRC-920

Here is an interesting cassette I found....A factory Oldsmobile cassette handed out from the dealer when you bought a new car, circa 1980.

Nothing like having a cassette from a now defunct car company and Capital Records aint far from death either!


You might end up seeing this one on eBay


Member (SA)
May I be the first to apologise - on behalf of the entire population of Great Britain - for Cliff Richard. :blush: :blush: :blush: Still, there are plenty of artistes on there who can sing, a skill that Sir Cliff had for a while at the start of his career but then lost down the back of the sofa at some point during the 1960s.
What on earth were Oldsmobile thinking of? Small wonder the name was ditched by GM years ago. One of the world's oldest names in vehicle building and they inflicted Cliff on their buyers!

Lasonic TRC-920

k2j said:
Hah, look at those songs on there. Talk about a romantic cassette :lol: :lol:
The Olds was a boulevard cruiser. It was about going to the drive in or inspiration point for some action! This cassette just greased the wheel :-D
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