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Staff member
Is it just me, or has oldskool become smarter? :hmmm:

Whatever he is on -- I want some too. :yes: Cuz his posts are now far more longer than they used to be.

And then recently, some of his posts are deep. Sooo deep that I have to ponder them to deciper the true meaning behind the post. And sometimes, I just give up.

So Freddie. Send me some of what you're having. My brain is tired, fatigued and I need a jump start. :w00t: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I will probably "disappear" after you telling you guys this, but Freddie isn't Freddie. The real Freddie was abducted by three guys dressed in all-black clothing and then they sped away in an unmarked government van (according to the license plate). The current Freddie is a clone from an old military experiment that the real Freddie signed up for while in the U.S. Army all those years ago. Of course, the clone will deny it or simply "have no recollection." That's all part and parcel to the cover up.

Lasonic TRC-920

Fatdog said:
I will probably "disappear" after you telling you guys this, but Freddie isn't Freddie. The real Freddie was abducted by three guys dressed in all-black clothing and then they sped away in an unmarked government van (according to the license plate). The current Freddie is a clone from an old military experiment that the real Freddie signed up for while in the U.S. Army all those years ago. Of course, the clone will deny it or simply "have no recollection." That's all part and parcel to the cover up.

I FREAKIN' KNEW IT! :-O They're out to get us....They're out to get us ALL


Staff member
Fatdog said:
I will probably "disappear" after you telling you guys this, but Freddie isn't Freddie............

It makes perfect sense. I KNEW something was up. Ever watch those movies when the wife just knows that the husband isn't really the husband? I mean, he looks like him and all, but the wife knows....

Anyhow, thanks for the disclosure fatdog.



Hello.....?!? :-O :grim: :huh:


Boomus Fidelis
maybe he had on of those star trek like accidents that made him like smarter and stuff :lol:

could be he's just smarter on his own :hmmm: .


I Am Legend
i have just studied the entire membership list - - :
then read every post made during the past 23 months... :

and really --
not dissing freddie..........

but -- i just could not single out even one member that
he is smarter than


Staff member
redbenjoe said:
...and really --not dissing freddie...but -- i just could not single out even one member that he is smarter than...

Alas Ira, my briny friend, when one ponders such thoughts, they often make one, inevitable, fatal mistake...

When thinking of others to measure up against a given control or value...they forget, that they too are part of the collective for which they measure against.

My friend, that member which you failed to recognize (and by admittedly not stating "including yourself" when singling out members) , that Freddie is smarter than...

Is none other than...





Staff member
hemiguy2006 said:
In no ones Defense,
Thats Not saying much Freddie :lol:

By setting the bar at it's lowest possible value, I can only look like a genius beyond said value. :lol:

Ira would represent the horse...while us rats, who (along with roaches) inevitably survive everything to include nuclear holocaust...represent us. :lol:



Boomus Fidelis
oldskool69 said:
hemiguy2006 said:
In no ones Defense,
Thats Not saying much Freddie :lol:

By setting the bar at it's lowest possible value, I can only look like a genius beyond said value. :lol:

Ira would represent the horse...while us rats, who (along with roaches) inevitably survive everything to include nuclear holocaust...represent us. :lol:

[ Image ]

i guess the moral of the story is , ira don't try to limbo under a fence while chasing two rats with an apple or you'll end up looking like a horses ass :lol: :lol: .


Staff member
I rest my case. Freddie, is obviously NOT Freddie. :-O

Who ARE you and what have you done with the REAL Freddie? :w00t: :lol: :lol:
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