OK-What's The Trick To Belting The Sanyo M9998?

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-I took the back off of the 9998 & it looks like a pretty full bay 454 with all the smog pipes!
J/K-looking at the shield & circuit board that covers the tape wheels & such! Is there a trick or is there any-hopefully not soldering to take it off or is it all plugs?
If it's anything like the 9990 that's a bitch because you pull all the plugs and the 4 power wires and you still have a circuit board to kind of go around-don't like this design-you need a needle nose pliers to put the main plug back in this 9990 circuit board to get at these belts.Just wondering how the 9998 compares! Looks intense.
Just let me know what to expect-I know Ramon has one of these.
I'd aprreciate any tips.Mine doesn't have a belt going to the motor and what belt kit or size belts do I need to order on this bad boy?
Thanks again-GB. :-) :yes: :hmmm:


Staff member
GB, compared to the M9998, the M9990 is childs play. I don't recall whether you have to desolder the wires but that is entirely possible. If I recall, this is NOT on my list of my most favored tape rebelting jobs. You are just going to have to roll up your sleeves, make sure that you have lots of bench space and dive in.


Member (SA)
hey friend...

you have to have a Phd in Belting from MIT,

unless you got that...

you gotta send me the box

and i will take care of it ... just like that!!! ( kidding?)

it will cost you... but it will run!



Member (SA)
Hi everyone-Thanks on this-I'll get back to Ramon on this as it does look intricate!
I can do the 9990 without to much hardship but just looking at the 9998-wow!
I think I might have to get one of you guys to do it(I'll pay of course but will have to wait to send it out in a couple of months!! :-O :hmmm:
It does have such a nice sound to it!
Thanks guys-posting photos tonight!
Any antennas??!! Need 1 w/shaft!!
Have a great weekend-GB. :-) :-O :hmmm: :yes:
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