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Member (SA)
Well after getting my replacement Altec (first one was damaged) i am able to finally do a comparison of the 2 newest Ipod boomboxes


ok i put both units on the same radio station for this.. result?

Altec.. reason?
JVC can hit hard.. but it's missing the key.. that key being Tweeters.. Altec is able to hit highs that JVC cant.. JVC sounds muffled.. bass is more prevelent on the JVC.. but it's not true bass per say.. Altec does it right.. perfect blend of both..

ROUND TWO! features

Altec.. reason?
JVC's display is minimal at best.. Altec has dot matrix and better backlighting.. Altec has 7 band EQ.. JVC 4 presets.. inputs are about even.. JVC has MP3/WMA playing CD/USB input.. Altec doesnt have a CD player.. but has 2-1/8 headphone inputs.. JVC's USB music player is cool though.. there are smaller USB flash drives that wont stick out and invite breaking.. so you can add a 32GB micro SD/USB drive.. and have unlimited music.. i find the JVC's ipod dock doesnt always work.. i have to fiddle with it to get the sound from the player.. the Altec fires up right away.. Altec has a more solid overall feel.. also the Altec takes less batteries.. 8 "D" cells vs 10 for the JVC.. 30 hours of play time on the Altec also.. not sure on the JVC.. but doubt it would last 30 hours.. both only have FM radio.. looks like AM radio is being eliminated.. remote is better on the JVC.. the plastic overlay on the Altec remote will crack at some point.. but might be cheaper to replace then the JVC.. but i do like the storage area for the remote on the Altec.. JVC killed the remote holder on this Kaboom.. so nowhere to put it.. will get lost/damaged at outdoor parties i'm sure.. Alec is also lighter.. easier to carry around..

just based on these 2 rounds.. it's obvious..

the Altec Lansing IMT800 IMIX is the WINNER!

pics to follow..



Member (SA)
some more pics.. i was able to open the Altec to check the innards.. but i couldnt open it all the way due to the wiring.. the pics i got are kinda out of focus.. but you can see the Altec uses beefier and cleaner layout of there circuits..


remote pics



Member (SA)
i have other innard pics of the Altec.. all out of focus kinda.. sorry..

crossovers for mid/high speakers.. one on each side


sub is beefy! and vented!


tweeter/mid speakers



Member (SA)
price of each?

Altec $225 with shipping

JVC $318 with shipping (obviously can get it cheaper $250-$300) but i was an early adopter.. so i paid alot more :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Cool Comparo,Thanks. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I had an older Kaboom,and I loved it.
I have an Altec Lansing IMT800,and I love it more.
It was cool to see a comparo of the newer Kaboom. :cool: :-D


Staff member
Thanks! Great comparo! I would guess the Altec uses a way beefier amp than the JVC as well. Did you check it out while it was open? How does the Altec compare to say...a Telefunken Studio 1? :-D


Member (SA)
actually the amp is shown in the one pic of the innards.. it uses some kind of hybrid amp.. no IC's.. looks like FET transistors i think.. you cant open it all the way due to the front face wires are glued in.. there is speaker padding inside also.. i could tell just by looking at the circuits that they are well thought out.. and just look cleaner if that makes any sense..


Boomus Fidelis
MasterBlaster84 said:
Great review! :thumbsup:

I think this means the Kaboom is no longer king, JVC downgraded it enough to dethrone it. :thumbsdown:
:agree: never fails every time somebody gets something right they change it to a pos ,just like the impala ss they were so bad ass then they changed them to just an average car, manufacturers can't leave anything alone when it's good, i'm glad the kaboom got it's ass kicked jvc should know better and try harder to re create the glory they used to have.


Member (SA)
Thanks For the comparo!!
That just affirmed what I expected after the initial review of the new kaboom.
In my opinion the original kaboom I had sounded nowhere near as nice as my Altec.
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