off to the drive inn

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Member (SA)
last night was the first drive in movie of the year for us.
of course the usual three boombox sound system came with us in the big old impala.
i took the panasonic dt707 that sat on the rear sill. the sears m9998k look a lot alike box for the back seat
and the little sony for the front on the tranny hump under the dash.
the three movies were night at the museum2 angels and demons with mall cop running up as the third movie.
i played them all at about half volume and had one set of batteries for each of them.
yes we stayed for all three of the movies and yes today i am pretty tired. we were there for over six hours and all of the radios worked great through out the entire three movies. i am pretty tired today. we got home to watch a very boring f1 race and i am pretty tired today.
i was very impressed with how well the three boomers provided us with full rich sound. the bass shook when stuff blew up and the voices were nice and clear when people spoke.
i saw a few other people there with boomboxes there but none of them were really interesting. mostly really poopy modern eggs or ones shaped like tear drops with faces on them. blech.
i dont know why but for some reason whenever we go people seem to congregate around the old two tone green impala. its a big four door 1979 sedan.
some of the people there asked why i had three boomboxes or why i just didnt use the car radio. this was always answered with me turning them on so they could hear them.
they would also ask if they were new or where they could buy one.
i tried two kabooms before for the drive in and was no where near as good sounding as last nights trio.
sorry no pics camera still needs to get a new battery. next week is transformers two and star trek so i might venture out to the drive in again for the show.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sounds like a good time, Bill. I don't think we have any drive-in theaters in these parts anymore. :no: I do remember there was one when I was little that broadcast over an AM station. That thing had to be powerful as all get out, because we could sometimes listen to a movie on the radio - and we lived about 15 miles away!! :-O


Member (SA)
the drive in here does a booming buisness . i mean last night there was no spaces left and there was hundreds of cars there.
the wierd thing about the drive in is there is for sure a huge ammount of throw backs there.
its pretty cool for all its wierdness and oddness. people bringing there dogs.
i dont go out to the movies much with the projector i have now.
the drive in tho is pretty cheap.
these guys broadcast on fm. so its in stereo and thats a cool thing. i think they have had to comb back the power tho beacause i used to be able to get the braodcasts from miles away now not the case.


Member (SA)
:lol: Taking BoomBoxes to the drive-in movie.......

Its good to know that you're getting out there and representing the WGM! :cool: :thumbsup:

Great innovative use of Boom Boxes!! :thumbsup: :-D :yes:



Member (SA)
the boombox at the drive in is the best combo of all boombox activities for me outside listening to music on them.


Member (SA)
Bill that is so cool and such a great Idea.
We have a drive in close by But its been years since ive been there.
You have convinced me its been too long and I plan on probably going this weekend coming up :yes:
Hopefully they are still open :hmmm:


Member (SA)
my man i tell you. its just too cool to not go. you really gotta do it if you got one there. i mean ours is booming and i dont think it is going anywhere soon.
if i had the money i would open one in the okanagon up here in kelowna.
drive ins are a reminder of how good we had it in the last century.
alot of people in this day and age have no idea about the cool stuff we got to experience.
boomboxes slot cars the birth of video games rock and roll the roller rink girls in satin shorts at the roller rink punk rock acid rock electro even disco seems cool to a lot of pop culture in this day and age.
the last five decades of the last century saw some amazingly fun stuff that in this day and age seems out of place.
tangebile activities are so much cooler than things that revolve soley around software and technotrash.
i mean a ipod is reliant on your computer a radio a boombox to be more specific is reliant on the operator.
dont get me wrong there is some cool stuff about technotrash but.....
i think our economy would be a hell of a lot better on both sides of the border if we still lived in a time where a human being could work at a job own a house and not have to worry as much about things.
boomboxes and the other things i mentioned are reminders of a way better time and in many ways a much better way of life.
people can say what they want but we live in a world now that has been driven by a economy based around people being in debt.
the result is this extremely shiot economy we have right now.
one day the news says its all better the next the stock market crashes down again.
get that chrysler out to the drive in with a couple big boomers and some lawn chairs and just forget about it all and remember how cool we had it back in the day.
sadly enough people nowadays think freedom is a iphone and that choice is being able to pick either a black or white iphone.....


Member (SA)
we went to two different drive ins a few weeks ago they are both about 1 1/2 hours away but it is well worth it, no you don't get the surround sound like you would in a theater or at home but it is cheap and you can sit in your car or in our case we backed the truck in and hung out in the bed, I thought about bringing a boombox cause the little window speakers just don't cut it.


Member (SA)
well i can say this.
nope i didnt get thx surround...but
the sound was freaking awesome with the boomboxes i brought.
i didnt miss the thx at all really and i could mute the trailers if i wanted too. :-D


Member (SA)
ours has a killer snack bar. i mean i am pretty picky when it comes to food and the burgers there are fo sure on my top ten burgers in the lower mainland list so i cant complain. they need to run a pretty tight ship at the snack bar there i mean its a huge chunk of there money and if they didnt people would just smuggle in there own food. as for kids. i didnt see many kids there other than sitting in the minivan section with there parents. i mean no minivans no kids.
they also dont have any problems with punks there i mean they are like O U T instantly if someone acts up.
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