Not bad for a fleabay punt.....ISP850...

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Member (SA)
First of many boxes i suspect....
Only wanted one to go in my camper van.....but having loads of fun with these things!!
I worked for an electronics refurb company in the 80's and worked on a lot of this kit when it was new.
Anyway...ISP850 cost me £40 on the bay of fleas (inc postage)!
Arrived today, well packed and pretty much as described.
Thought it was missing the treble control but found most of it in the packing (stem broken down the middle) and found the rest of it when I opened her up!
It needs all the four controls on the left taking off and refurbing as there is little or no response from them. Good news really as it was sold with one channel not working and could have been the amp !
Now frustrated as I want to get this working for the weekend ( we are going to Whitby in the camper) and I have no de-soldering braid!! Doh!
Here's a couple of pics..




Member (SA)
wowminister said:
Hey Bobdog. See you have a Vdub, are you heading to Vanfest this year
Will be there mate!! Usually camp with club 80-90 next to the entertainment marquee....and will be at bus stopover, deva, dubs at the castle, and assorted drunken weekends across the UK! Love it!

Thanks for the good vibes about my new toy guys.....even sloped off to maplins for some solder braid tonight.....
This sounds good as it is now, so when it has both channels and some bass & treble control I think it will be a winner! :thumbsup:

Looks like a pig of a job to get all the controls out ...should keep me quiet for an hour or two


Member (SA)
bobdog said:
Will be there mate!! Usually camp with club 80-90 next to the entertainment marquee....and will be at bus stopover, deva, dubs at the castle, and assorted drunken weekends across the UK! Love it!


Well post when you are heading out to a show and I will shout you a beer and we can admire each others boxes (oh err)...


Member (SA)
:thumbsup: congrats, found the same box on a flea, pretty big and mean looking, but for me no luck to get her open, may try it again sometime, there was a spot somewhere round the tunerscale where it was stuck and didnt move?
so good luck :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Strānj-Bōōmbŏks....Dude...send me the tent .....I wannit Iwannit.....
Todays update.....
Took about an hour to strip out all the controls, dismantle and clean the bass/treble/balance/vol pots and retension the wipers.
Put it all back together and ......

Sounds sweet too...both channels working fine, bass & treble responsive and balance works a treat....happy days!

Just need to repair the one broken control knob, and fit an aerial and this box is doing the rounds of all the VW shows that I go to in the UK this year....

Once again...Strānj-Bōōmbŏks....send me the tent.....I love it!!


Member (SA)
I´ve got that box, too.
It looks great but the sound not so great for such a big box.
Its about the size of a M70 but less deep bass and overall a dull sound.
But I dont know, maybe something is wrong with my boombox...

Here´s a picture of my ISP 850. The volume knob is not original... :-/



Member (SA)
Mmmm....wouldn't say the sound is dull....the treble has good top end crispness, but agree that the bass could do more....
Not bad for a 30 year old plastic box though, and the electronics in it are proper oldschool!!
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