Noob's stoopid questions

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Member (SA)
Ok, so I pimped a pinny, and decided i needed another project (why???? cos i can)

bought a jc2000 in need of tlc, but stoopid question of the day is:

when restoring these boomboxes, does one return it to its former glory, or is it acceptable to PIMP one of these????
i know some die-hard fans will be yelling "heathen" about now...... :lol:


Staff member
Do you care what other's think? Then take a poll. If you don't care, then just do whatever and be happy.

My opinion? Do whatever you want. It's yours.

2-years ago, I posted a poll asking members what color I should paint my boombox.

Here it is, for newbies that missed it and for established members that have forgotten:

Seems the big winner was blue, with 28% of the votes.
So what color did I paint it? Maroon, which at 17% was tied for second to last. :lol: :lol: And that was even with my own vote.
Why? Well, because regardless of what everyone else wanted, it was MY boombox and I wanted to do it MY way. Would've been cool if everyone agreed with me, but they didn't, I did it MY way and the results, in the following post, confirmed for ME anyway that it was the color that I preferred, and was simply breathtaking. Anyhow, one of the earlier projects that I posted for members to viiew.


Member (SA)
Uhuh..... i hear you, and being the stubborn person that i am, will do what i want to in the end, but there's pimping, and PIMPing...... :lol:
i was thinking of something along the lines of Gluecifer's pix in your poll


Staff member
bbnoob said:
.........i was thinking of something along the lines of Gluecifer's pix in your poll ...........

Exactly. That is a perfect example where you need to do what you want, because customizing an M90 to that level of "flashiness" is definitely going to be a very polarizing topic. Glucifer's M90 had cosmetic issues prior to the work being done and was already tagged and flagged. I'm sure that made it much easier to decide to do that. Now had it been original and maybe even a good or minty original, that would not have been as easy a choice. But you are the final arbiter, I would say just do it!

I know you must have something in mind or you wouldn't be asking. But if you ask and the opinion polls are not on your side -- then what cha gonna do? Makes the decision a bit harder, I would say and maybe result in some second guessing. Let me put it another way. When I want to run a stop sign or a red light, or make an unpermitted U-turn or even go over the speed limit by 4, maybe 5 miles per hour, I don't ask for permission beforehand because I know what the answer is gonna be. :w00t: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
When it comes to customizing a boombox I always try to remember that in the end I am the one stuck looking at even though it is good to value others input, just make sure you like the results.


Member (SA)
I, personally, go for "former glory" when restoring a boombox. Just in case I get in a pinch one day and need to sell it, I know I'll get a decent amount of cash for it. :yes: People might be put off by a pimped out purple or rainbow colored boombox. :sick: Next thing you know, the only buyer you can find is a club owner in the Castro District of San Francisco and dude wants you to deliver it in person. :ymca: :lol:

Or something like this:


Its custom. Its pimped out. :dunce:
Foreal? Seriously? :huh: Wtf? G_Y! :sick:

But, ultimately, I do agree with Superduper & mellymelsr. :yes: Its your box, whatever you do with it is up to you. Who cares what other people think. :cool:


Staff member
Uh, well....

There is custom (and many of my boomboxes can be considered customized to some extent)...

But it can be done tastefully and tactfully,
or there is way out of this planet, on the fringe what are you smoking custom.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
But it can be done tastefully and tactfully,...
Delightfully tacky?


:-P I know what you're saying, Norm. Thing is, you're capable of 110% pure awesomeness. :yes: But not everybody is. :no: Like that Conion shown above, maybe that was the best the guy could do? There's always an opposite end of the spectrum. :lol:


Member (SA)
I think it's more tempting to heavily customise a radio when you just start collecting.
It's an easier decision to make as you don't yet know the 'lay of the land' with the availablity and desirability of certain models.
Takes years and years to really know that stuff, so theres always the 'risk' attached to customising something and then thinking you've ruined it further down the track. With the example of my custom M90 that came about through months of planning and all the planets being in alignment to score a beater. I have a virtually mint M90 as well, so for me the choice wasn't hard. When it's the ONLY box you have of it's type then more questions arise.

I'd look at the overall condition of your JC-2000 and make the call yourself. If it's fuily functional and decent cosmetically then I'd leave it, personally, but if you're in Australia where there a quite a few of them around, then you always look at getting another down the track. They ARE a common box in .au. But not anywhere else on the planet.

As Super says, it's your own choice and, just like Super says, it's all about your own personal taste. Also, as BMoney suggests, if you're thinking about selling it later on, then sure, a custom can reduce the value. Really a lot of variables going on here. I mean, I could probably sell my custom M90 for a lot more than a standard one, if someone really loved the custom work I've done. But of all my boxes, it's in my top ones as i put so much effort into it and it means a lot to me from a creative standpoint.

After all this, I'd just reiterate what Super also said: Do what you want with it. However ways it can make you happy; follow them.

Best of luck and I hope we get to see the custom if you decide to do it.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
hi man , i have customized many boxes , but only ones that had almost no hope for restoration .

just keep in mind that the jc 2000 is worth a few bucks here in the usa so anything you do to it could affect the value.

usually i buy boxes specifically for customizing ,ones that would be on their way to the trash heap if i didn't get to em first :lol:

my customizing is more like raising the dead :lol:

anyway do what you want to it's your box and your choice i can't wait to see it :yes: .


Staff member
The value of an AU wheely to us yanks isn't nearly what it could be because it's virtually impossible to ship it to the USA for reasonable $$'s. The size exceeds what the post is gonna accept so it will probably have to go UPS or other high price shipping service. So like Rick said, it's a fairly common box in AU but since that's where it's destined to stay, the USA value is rather meaningless.

Then with regards to customizing -- I disagree that custom boxes necessarily degrade the value. It really depends on the final result and how it was done. That Conion that was mentioned above -- YUK!

But I find it hard to believe that these guys here are worth less now than for what I bought them for.

Custom paint on Aiwa TPR-955

Custom LED mod on a Sony CF-580

The Racoon Kaboom restomod

Pioneer SK-550 restomod

The BMoney Restomod S90

The BluFuz custom lit Dynasty Wheely

The Redbenjoe Bombeat 40 restored, recapped, and some custom mods to enhance performance, reliability and appearance

The Redbenjoe Crown 945 restoration + mods.

My Maroon JVC RC-M70c

And there are some that I have not yet shared, and there are probably some that I have forgotten about and/or left out.

In any event, each and every one of these -- I highly doubt is worth less than the original product. Some changes are very subtle and maybe not immediately noticeable. Some are more flashy and is immediately apparent that it's not original. Yet, I believe each restoration, modification, retrofit, upgrade or customization was done tastefully. Each one was carefully considered before proceeding and each one of these is and likely will always be inherently UNIQUE and worthy of a superduper badge. I must tell you that each job resulted in great personal satisfaction and joy to myself and/or the new owner. So I reiterate: As long as the work is done tastefully -- GO at it. :-) If you are thinking stick on skulls, texas style horns, contact papered shell and space taped handles -- well, also do it, but keep it to yourself. :-O :grim: ;-)


Member (SA)
bbnoob said:
Ok, so I pimped a pinny, and decided i needed another project (why???? cos i can)

bought a jc2000 in need of tlc, but stoopid question of the day is:

when restoring these boomboxes, does one return it to its former glory, or is it acceptable to PIMP one of these????
i know some die-hard fans will be yelling "heathen" about now...... :lol:

Totally restore it and sell it to buy a creamed beater that you can do whatever takes your fancy to.. except glitter contact and hologram tape... having said that I did once see a Lasonic completely covered in hologram contact and it was professionally done!
The JC is pretty rare and valuable anywhere in my books, and you'll always find a buyer if it's original!
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