Noise complaint

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shane higgins

Member (SA)
i have been served a noise complaint from a f..kwit that lives next door
she complained to the council and they sent a letter
the funny thing is when the noise happen it come from my Sharp gf
wait for it



you have got to be kidding me
the c100 was put away that day i swear
and i was playing PINK the old lady went to see PINK in Perth not once but twice

some people are f..ken unreal
you got to lol and keep playing those boxes loud


Member (SA)
That's HARSH!! Bloody ridiculous.

I was expecting a complaint today.. I made the mistake of recording a mix to tape I'd not previously listened to in it's entirety. So I'm strolling down to work with it cranking away on the Taira M90 and RIGHT when I get in front of the Maternal and Child Health building, right as a mother and three kids are walking out, a song starts with 'get down on my knees' 'then I'll suck your *cough* ahem... REPEATEDLY.

Not something I was prepared for at all! Especially as I usually listen to instrumental gear. I dived for the volume and lowered it as quickly as possible and avoided eye contact with the mother...

But, I hope you can sort out this silly neighbour, Shane!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Maybe you should mow the lawn when she is having a afternoon nap :lol:
Got to love noisey lawn mowers.
Glue I bet you were embarrassed I know i would have been :-O


Member (SA)
I am glad I live in a large enough home where my music volume is never an issue for my's my wife that always gets on my case for loud music!! Luckily my man-cave has a very secure lock and I can just turn the music up louder so I can't hear her complaints... :-D


Member (SA)
Turn it down, noone likes noisy neighbours, trust me been on the receiving end of it for long enoiugh :-P :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Tell them to get the


out of their:



Member (SA)
in my neighborhood, the locals play the worst crap ever. like that really lame new country music? what the hell is that stuff? if they played johnny cash or something i could open my doors and jam. but those new dudes they got, whoa, i can't even look, it's like watching our society go over the cliff. option B they seem to have worked out en masse is the lame classic rock station that plays the same two songs by every band over and over with these really loud reverbed out commercials. some of these bands in question have like 50 records and millions of songs and they settle on two and just rotate them out for decades. yikes. it's like music for people that hate music.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Barrys_Bapz said:
Sound's like you need to move to Ireland! :-D

Also nice photo she's a keeper

I would love to keep her, but she isn't mine :'-( . Just a random yahoo img search mystery woman :-/

Lasonic TRC-920

amishmansteve said:
mellymelsr said:
Luckily my man-cave has a very secure lock and I can just turn the music up louder so I can't hear her complaints... :-D

I just laughed out loud in my class :lol: :lol: :lol:

amishmansteve, I'm with ya, Damn Melly, that's just funny as hell.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Glue, all I can say, it was a matter of time! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess I'm lucky, after years and years of the guy next door blasting his electric guitar at all hours my skin has turned to leather and I could give a sh@t what any of my neighbors think. I kind of have an unwritten rule, "Do what you want, I won't complain, but I'm doing the same".

The week between Christmas and new years I had 3 blasters hooked up ROARING for 4 days and 4 nights. No complaints, but none of my neighbors have spoken to me since!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :nonono: :thumbsdown: :angelic:
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