For a few weeks ago i have been bidding on a SILVER ST 858L Boombox. I heard nothing from the seller so i decided to sent him another e-mail about if he liked my offer or not. I soon got an answer back that he wasnt going to sell the box anymore because it didnt work when he tested it.! He told me he would throw it away because he didnt want to sell something that was defect! Oh my God!! I thougt..thats almost a CRIME!! so i asked him not to throw it away but reserve it for me..and so he did! Yesterday i had the chance to pick it up(okay, it was not around the corner, but who cares when you can pick it up for free??!!). He had left it in his frontyard completely wrapped in plastic because he wasnt at home and it was raining a little bit....i found it amazing that he was doing this for me.. SO:THANKS AGAIN S... WHEN YOU HAPPEN TO READ THIS: I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS BOX!!(its also in the book the Boombox project under the brandname Montgomery Ward-See pic)
Today i am gonna clean it and try to get some life into this big one! When i am ready cleaning i will post some pics!
Its the same box as under A but then under the brandname Silver
(@Melly Mel sr.: I hope youre not offended by "stealing" one of your pics?-THANX!)
Oh yes, i forget to mention the special round kind of endtips from the antennes..sadly one is broken..

Today i am gonna clean it and try to get some life into this big one! When i am ready cleaning i will post some pics!

Its the same box as under A but then under the brandname Silver
(@Melly Mel sr.: I hope youre not offended by "stealing" one of your pics?-THANX!)
Oh yes, i forget to mention the special round kind of endtips from the antennes..sadly one is broken..