NIce find Today, a little Mono

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Member (SA)
So i picked this up at the bootsale today along with some vintage consoles:

National Panasonic RF-5310 LBE

Not usually a massive fan of monos but I have my grail mono and I loved this one as soon as I saw it.

On another note my personal grail of Monos is a Sanyo M-9800T, I have one at the moment but in fairly shoddy condition, I'm always looking out for another for part/chassis :)

Lasonic TRC-920

See, I would buy this simply because it's an original design. It wasn't a cookie cutter mono where you can't tell one manufacturer from the other (early 80's silver)

Cool find! :cool:
Separate Bass and Treble controls, plus a Loudness switch - all signs of a cool high end 70s mono.

Plus no top mounted sliders to stuff up! :cool:


James.... :-)


Member (SA)
i love monos-my grail mono that i now own-the mighty sony cf-495 :-D but this is a lovely mono you have tre :yes:
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