Next week

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Member (SA)
Sorry I have not posted in the last few months. I have been a neglectful BB member.

Well next week my friend will be opening up and working on my M-90 boombox.It is in very good cosmetic condition. The radio needs an
alignment as it is "off" from where it should, be, when you tune in a station. The oscillator may need adjustment as well.Probably a few new caps and transistors The tape deck surely needs new belts. As it is running fast. It also just starts running on its own intermittently and will not respond to the stop function. One has to power off the unit to get the reel to stop turning and the motors to turn off. Most likely a problem with the "audio logic" getting "confused" Any other thoughts to what is causing the deck problems.

I think everything must be dirty inside and any lubrication,meant to assist, in the proper working of the tape deck must be completely dried up.

But the deck had been working well enough to play tapes when I first got it. The multi-music scanner worked perfectly. FF and Rew functions are strong.

If ANYONE can make it work as good as new it has got to be my friend. he is a genius at fixing all kind of radio's tape decks, phonographs.


Member (SA)
I am sure you and your friend already know this but make sure you take lots and lots of pictures as you go and best of luck with the work :-)


Member (SA)
Thanks for the update, and keep us posted.

im_alan_partridge said:
I am sure you and your friend already know this but make sure you take lots and lots of pictures as you go and best of luck with the work :-)


Member (SA)
Well my friend did a GREAT job on my M-90! He opened it up and cleaned it completely inside. He had to align the FM band which had 21 pots to adjust. He also got the deck out of the box and cleaned and oiled the motors. New fresh belts were installed. Before I had it someone went in there and bent the metal plate in the back. He also made a tone test tape with a scope.. So he could perfectly adjust the tape deck speed.

The FM sounds fantastic. .Crisp clear with great base. The stereo works now and has a great natural separation.

She LOOKS and SOUNDS LIKE A MILLION BUCKS! He is VERY impressed with the sound. The M-70 sounds good. But the M90 outshines it.

The only remaining problem with the tape deck is that it still makes a loud chattering sound. Mostly when it is first turned on. Ones it warms up it does it less. One of the plastic gears, is slipping and the teeth are worn. He said it is attached to the flywheel so it is impossible to replace. So one would need a ENTIRELY exact same deck, to fix the problem.. I believe that the M-80 has the same exact auto logic tape deck as the M-90. So he says if I can get one with a good tape deck and the gears are all good, no wear (like on mine) he CAN swap out the deck from a good M-80 and put in My M-90.

Has anyone ever done this? I would like to get a M-80 to swap out the deck. .Do not know how common they are. I will post pics of my FINE WORKING GREAT Sounding HANDSOME M-90


Member (SA)
Yes If I could get good cog/gear to replace the one that is worn then ALL would be GOOD!Mt tech could replace the bad cog. Trick is how do you find the EXACT gear/cog. Best would to get a electronically fried M90 and swap out the deck. Or get the exact specs of the cog put it in a STL file to tell the teleprinter of a 3D-printer "brain" to make the needed cog.
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