Newbie from Bulgaria

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Member (SA)
Howdy forum,my name is Ceco [tsetso],i'm 23 and i live in Bulgaria.A few weeks ago i bought my first boombox - GF-777z!

I've got a short boombox story to tell you. :)
Back in the days when Bulgaria was a part of the Solviet Union there was no place where you can buy any 'western' goods except from the Corecom stores.These dream places for the bulgarian people were opened only for foreign visitors and you can do shopping only with US dollars which were also forbidden to have.On the black market $1 = 3levs (lev is the BG currency).The average Joe's month salary was around 120levs,if we do the math for a box like 777 you had to give your year pay and still can't because it's not allowed.One day my father came up with a very profitable idea,he met a group of vietnamese university students (studying in BG) who agreed to buy anything he wants from the Corecom for a small cut of the future profit.....and he started making some serious cash from selling boomboxes and other electronics to the masses, :-P highly overpriced off course.But he made a mistake when he quit his regular job,back then if you dont have one certain people come to your home to see why are you not working,there was no such thing as unemployement and a person who doesn't have a job and spends loads of cash was quite suspicious.They knew something was going on and one day he was busted with $600 and thrown in jail for a while.One of his buds got beaten by the cops for wearing shirt with Marlboro written on it. xD

Sorry if there are any mistakes comrades. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
:hi: :hi: Thats a real cool story :cool: So is this how you 1st became interested in bbx's :huh: s--ks what happened to your old man :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: good luck on collecting :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Welcome Ceco :thumbsup: .
The most desirable box was 777 back than. But good selling ( more quantity) were mostly cheap Hitachi models. We use to have some special permission to buy from this shops (Corecom in Bulgaria and Bereuzca in USSR). Actually in USSR Bereuzka were all kind of boxes. In Bulgaria not so stacked tough :sad: . Good value (profit i mean :lol: ) were the cheap double cassette boxes (hitachi trk w55w for example). Some people are saying different stories but we use to have some underground party on week basis anyway. Break battles on cardboard in remote areas were "must" if you want to be cool :lol: . Cool dresses from the black market as well. It was funny.Thats got me into djing later.....
Nice to have another bulgarian pal here Ceco :thumbsup: .


Member (SA)
TsEtSoMaN said:
Howdy forum,my name is Ceco [tsetso],i'm 23 and i live in Bulgaria.A few weeks ago i bought my first boombox - GF-777z!

I've got a short boombox story to tell you. :)
Back in the days when Bulgaria was a part of the Solviet Union there was no place where you can buy any 'western' goods except from the Corecom stores.These dream places for the bulgarian people were opened only for foreign visitors and you can do shopping only with US dollars which were also forbidden to have.On the black market $1 = 3levs (lev is the BG currency).The average Joe's month salary was around 120levs,if we do the math for a box like 777 you had to give your year pay and still can't because it's not allowed.One day my father came up with a very profitable idea,he met a group of vietnamese university students (studying in BG) who agreed to buy anything he wants from the Corecom for a small cut of the future profit.....and he started making some serious cash from selling boomboxes and other electronics to the masses, :-P highly overpriced off course.But he made a mistake when he quit his regular job,back then if you dont have one certain people come to your home to see why are you not working,there was no such thing as unemployement and a person who doesn't have a job and spends loads of cash was quite suspicious.They knew something was going on and one day he was busted with $600 and thrown in jail for a while.One of his buds got beaten by the cops for wearing shirt with Marlboro written on it. xD

Sorry if there are any mistakes comrades. :-)

the marlboro tee earned him a beating though :angelic:


Member (SA)
Thanks guys!

baddboybill,one of his cousins was a cop at the time so he was released after a few days.I grew up listening loads of tapes recorded in the 80's on my red International portable,after that X-bass Sharp portable,i think i was 12 when a got this small cheap Mekosonic MK-10 bbx,i still keep them all.I'll snap a few shots when i get a decent camera.After a long,long time listening music on my PC i decided it's time for something more real...and analog! :-) In less than 2 months i found my 777 for almost lunch money.I cleaned it inside out and gave it a light restauration,i'm very pleased with the results.Im' negotiating for another one now.

redbenjoe,he prefered $200-$300 double cassette bbx's,mosty Hitachi,86'-87' were his most active years.They were a quick sell with at least $100 profit.Back in the days he cared only for the money,not the boxes but was quite exited when i showed him my Sharp,now he wants one too.A couple of days ago i remembered there is an old TRK carton box in my grandparents's attic,not sure about the model,i'll check it out when I pay them a visit..


Better quality pictures comming soon.


Member (SA)
Crazy story. My landlord is a guy from a country that was formerly controlled by the cccp . SImilar tales of brutality he has told me. Jail for free enterprise wow thats just flat out wrong.
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