Hey everyone. I've been on here for a little while now, and i just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brian. I'm from South Jersey. I originally came on this site to see if anyone had a Sharp WF-342C(BK). It's just a three piece dual cassette, AM/FM stereo with a three band equalizer. But noone seems to have one , and i cannot find one image of it online, though i did find a manual for it that i purchased because my FM tuner does not work. it's from 1986. Anyway, i have a few little boomboxes like the emerson ctr-949, panasonic rx-c36 and c-38, toshiba RT-120S and the Sharp WF-342C(BK). I'm not a hardcore collector and i don't need a ton of boomboxes, BUT GUYS, YOU KNOW WHAT MY DREAM BOX IS!!!!!!! The Sharp VZ-2000. I want one so bad. I lost one on ebay the otherday. [ebay]280742381538[/ebay] well I hope to get to know you guys well. I love this site. You all seem like great people.