New TDK Boombox!

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Member (SA)
Think that is gonna be Marmite (let yer know what that is at the end)

I took a quick look at it and thought they have gone mad and it didn't look right - then i took another look and thought that i looked at in a differnt way it wasn't to bad

I look at it like one of the jap manga films and it might be some thing you would see in the future - well it is the future now and maybe that is how the should look
We have got so used the 70's 80's look of boxes that we haven seen much of a change - moblie phones have change in just 15 years, but boxes have had a gap and are back

so does it need grill covers ? - is the handle like it looks hard to hold ? and will the kids really want to carry it round ?

marmite - some may know this stuff and some may not - you put it on toast - it has a strange taste - some love it and some hate it :hmmm:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, that's kind of old news. ;-) Best Buy stores carry them if you want to see one up close and personal. Frank recently got one for himself. Here is his post:


After experiencing the 3-speaker version firsthand at the Tampa mini-meet, all I can say is... DAMN! :w00t: :afro: :breakdance: It weighs a ton, but the sound is absolutely amazing and crystal clear. :yes:


Member (SA)
Wow! Some of us even have one of these already?!

I guess I am late to the party!

Love it or hate it.... what amazes me is that the sound quality is good!

Should I be amazed by that? I dont know.... but I 'feel' like it shouldnt sound good, just because its new.

I'll have to head over to Best Buy and check it out!


Boomus Fidelis
JLF said:
Wow! Some of us even have one of these already?!

I guess I am late to the party!

Love it or hate it.... what amazes me is that the sound quality is good!

Should I be amazed by that? I dont know.... but I 'feel' like it shouldnt sound good, just because its new.

I'll have to head over to Best Buy and check it out!
When you consider how primitive technology was 30 years ago, I'm not surprised the TDK sounds good. Plus, there's no way they could charge $400-500 and put all that advertising out there without making sure that it sounds good. Their reputation was at stake. After all, $400-500 can buy you a full surround theater system these days.


Member (SA)
My thoughts behind the comment that I cant believe it sounds good, is in praise of how good some of the old school boxes actually sound, and how cheaply built some new electronics have been.

So its good to know this one actually performs for the money spent.

Knowing full well that something amazing to look at, and listen to, could be built today. Its a step in the right direction.
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