New TDK Blaster in Best Buy

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Member (SA)
Seen it today at the local Best Buy Store.
Was the two speaker model.
Got to listen to it on FM tuner and sound was not bad.
Nice build Quality.
Dual drivers with tweeters built right into the middle of the drivers.
pretty kool to look at.
Want to spend more time with it and plug my Ipod into it before
making a final call.
So far I can say that its not worth the $400. price tag :sadno:


Member (SA)
I gotta check that out! But if I gotta spend that kinda money it's gotta be for the one with all the bells and whistles. The three speaker box!! Thanks for the heads up.


Member (SA)
I love the look of that 2 speaker box best. Especially because it has that oh-so-suave strap :cool:


Member (SA)
I checked the Best Buy website and they are advertising the three speaker model.
I am sure other locations will be carrying it as well.
The two speaker model does have a really nice leather strap, but I would
also probably prefer the 3 speaker model.
I am going to try and go back and check it out within the next couple of days.
In my opinion I think they should drop the prices on all of the models by at least
100.00 I think then they would be priced reasonably.


Member (SA)
I went to best buy and sure enough there was the 2 speaker. I thought they did a good job on the tuner display, which doubles as the bass treble display. The lighted volume contol knob was a nice touch. I did not like the weight, I wonder if it was electronics or if they just added some steel to make it feel heavy, kind of like what they do to those floor lamps from China.. It was like my gf9595 in weight, but not as well balanced. Maybe the strap works well in this regard, but I didn't try that. Actually, from a distance the strap looked nice, but up close it just reminded me if any other walmart stitched belt. It didn't look like real leather to me . A real high quality leather strap, in my opinion, would have been cool on a retro box.

For the price I'd rather buy another rx7200. :-)

I should add, I did not blast it. It may stand as a Grail someday in it's own right due to volume alone. ( not sure)


Staff member
Phil.... you talking about the 2-speaker model right? I'm really interested in the 3-speaker model. It's big and heavy, just like I like it. And maybe with custom grills -- it will be even heavier. :w00t: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Phil.... you talking about the 2-speaker model right? I'm really interested in the 3-speaker model. It's big and heavy, just like I like it. And maybe with custom grills -- it will be even heavier. :w00t: :thumbsup:
Correct, 2 speaker model. The 3 speaker I'm still waiting to see. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
I'll have to make one of my classic childhood trips so I can ogle over it then walk out with nothing. If I ever buy one I'm sure it will be the 3 speaker model but I've certainly made no commitment to buy one. :nonono:


Member (SA)
It sure is a slick looking box..... and it takes12 D batteries, that's got to be a record! By the way there's a 3 speaker listed for sale on Ebay.


Member (SA)
Okay, so I had to see one of these bad boys up close and personal. So I ran over to my local Best Buy and like everywhere else, they only had the 2 speaker model in stock. I actually had difficulty locating it on the shelf because it blended in with all the other MP3 players. It had a very utilitarian look to it. I felt the handle although very sturdy, over powered the aesthetic. In sharp contrast were the two woofers (on this model), which seemed vulnerable without grills for protection. (I'd hate to have this thing tipover during a beach party!)

The sound was crisp and powerful. The volume knob goes to 11, a design touch Nigel Tufnel would be proud of or maybe litigious over? The touch display felt futuristic, but seemed forced considering the starkness of the design. The digital VU display was extremely cool! The strap was not present on the floor model but like the handle, the strap holders seemed very sturdy. The size and weight of this particular model was less then exciting for a vintage boombox collector.

Overall, $400 seems a little high for this model. It felt more like a $200-250 radio. I'd be interested in comparing it to the 3 speaker model, but for $500 that might be awhile. Interestingly, TDK has some photos of their new line with some quasi-celbrities posing with them on their website. They also have an interview with rapper NAS who in the photo is sitting at a conference table in front of a minty Sharp GF-777Z. All things considered, for now I'll take the 777Z!


Member (SA)
Alright so I also got to spend some good quality time with the TDK last night.
It was just before closing time so the store was pretty empty and I had my Ipod. :thumbsup:
Looking at the belt a little closer I don't like it much either. it is not very flexible , its too long and doesn't seem adjustable.
The woofers are a pretty sight as when they are moving , the tweeters are stationary in the middle.
The sound is very solid even with bass and treble all the way up.
So when I got on the volume knob and put this box on 11, there was no distortion and it was plenty loud.
Good useable volume on this box ,but I didn't like the last quarter range of the volume control.
When I got about three quarters up on the volume the last quarter didn't seem to make much
difference in the volume. So much for the volume going to 11 huh, sorry Nigel.
I love the simplicity and looks of the box . It seems very solidly built and has a good feel to it.
I will probably like to get the three speaker some day, but it will be at a time when they are available refurbished on Amazon.
And for a lot less money than they are selling for right now.


Member (SA)
Overall, $400 seems a little high for this model. It felt more like a $200-250 radio. I'd be interested in comparing it to the 3 speaker model, but for $500 that might be awhile. Interestingly, TDK has some photos of their new line with some quasi-celbrities posing with them on their website. They also have an interview with rapper NAS who in the photo is sitting at a conference table in front of a minty Sharp GF-777Z. All things considered, for now I'll take the 777Z![/quote]

@ style king:
AGREE! I wanted one until I got my 777z, but now have no interest. Imagine that...
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