New lasonic I931 might be on the way soon..

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Member (SA)
doin some research on the new I931 the one that will now include the ability to use your IPOD touch.. it's lookin like it will be released this month.. Lasonic's site is down (i would assume to revamp it for the newer model).. and it was said that April will be the month that the new I931 will be released.. as cheap as they are.. quality wise.. i'm finally gonna get one.. i've heard good and bad things about this box.. any thoughts?


Member (SA)
i havent had or heard any lasonics,

but i love them,

and know they are da bomb

specialist should jump in soon though

Lasonic TRC-920

I have been looking at these i931's as well. I'm not a fan of crApple and I don't have an iPod, but I do like the USB and SD card functions. I have had my eye on the all white one. I think it looks pretty dope. I'm glad they are revising this unit and keeping it for sale and in production. There is a piece of me that thinks if I buy one and show the electronics industry that there is a market, that we might get more to choose from.

I'd like to hear from some owners of this new box!!!


Member (SA)
This is great news as I was planning on getting an i931 all winter long for this spring. Well, now that spring is here, wouldn't you know it, my iPod just died. So after looking around I replaced it with a touch. It's awesome Lasonic is keeping up with the tech!.

I just want to get the 931 so I can take it sk8ing and not have to worry about it. It's cheap and readily replaceable... Unlike the gems we guard in our collection! :) The though of a skateboard shooting into my M70 makes me sick! HAHA!
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