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Member (SA)
hiii there!
im daniel form cologne germany and im totally boombox infected since some weeks..
well my first blaster will be on his way soon a PaNaSoNIc RX 5500LS in very nice condition ;) ( )
well i actually was looking for new kitchen radio (my old one sucks male genital parts) and some aktiv highend speakers for 400eurobucks would have been a bit to much (i have some nice ones from nubert in my livingroom).. so i got some superduper small ones ..wich totally sucked.. they sounded like a trashcan, well even a trashcan would sound deeper and better ;).. i hope u wont kill me but maybe i give the front a litle spray paintjob and a nice warm red color (fits my wall color in the kitchen )

soo i was ebaying around and stumbled upon boomboxes.. wwwwooow 80s stuff that looks amazing and all the chrome shiny plastic and 10million levers and switches .. cool .. and bäääämmm the boombox fever struck me hard.. well after lots of research.. actually not in this forum (i could kick my butt because i was to lazy to register).. i wanted something simple and cool looking with stereo like sound and not to much bass.. well i hope the panasonic will kick ass.. and ill listen to my only favorite cologne student radio station and will plugin my mp3 player with a linein/phono converter.. the good thing about the blaster is the working tape.. soo i guess ill reactivate my marantz dc tape deck and make some nasty mixtape ;)... and then ill terrories those grilling students in the park with my blaster muahahah ;) when im an sunshine grilling action ;)....

ok enough blablablaaaaaa .. well nice to be here in the forum.. im usually a 3d grafix architecture guy, love a good mix of 1920 bauhaus, 60s 70s and stuff that fits the stuff before , and im always on the hunt for cool stuff for my apartment (like my new 60s danish style big ufo ceiling lamp)....

well seeya , daniel :choco:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Großer willkommen, Daniel!! :thumbsup: The Panasonic RX-5500 is a classic, beautiful boombox. You will love it very much and I am sure it will be the first of many boomboxes. :yes:


Member (SA)
hehe, thanks for the warm welcome ;) :thankyou: .. and yes im afraid it will not be the last one.. i guess ill start going to local flea markets (flohmarkt in german i hope its correct, well the place they sell old stuff , non-electronic-ebay ;) )..

well this musicmania actually started with some nubert nupro A-20 active speakers i got for my computer hifi sound in my living room.. these babys are so awesome that you gotta scream (with 39hz deep bass that blow the nails out of the wall from my neighbours) well and i have supershitty sound in my kitchen , for all the germans here a crappy mono "tschibo" radio (tschibo is a coffee roaster chain in germany that sells more clothes,electronic trash and other stuff than coffee).. soo a 30+year blaster kicks ass and looks better than any new-boring-thingy...and earth wind and fire recommend this blaster *g ... asonic.jpg .. well they cant be wrong muahahahaha ;)

some other candidates will be a nice Grundig RR1020 or 1040 for my bath.. i love the simple-grundig-like design of those....

one thing i nearly bought before the cool panasonic was a bang and olafson beosystem 10.. well it looks cool, has the same design like my fridge,bakingofen,wallclock.. but as i heard most parts from japan and not the best sound.... im happy i confinced myself to get "something real" ;)....

another one ill definetly will buy is a jvc 838 mkII... i found one on the bay last weekend with linein.. but holy s. it went for more than my 150euro bid... the auction prices for nice blasters are hellish high.. but theres another one on german ebay ending this i guess fleamarkets and simple advertisements without the heartattack-auction terror is a better way...
i also like the look of the loewe 2000 and some lil telefunken ones (not the hifistudio 1 thats not a lil one but definetly a wanted one)...

does anyone have experience with "line in to phono" converters? i want to plug my mp3player to the boombox and found some converters for 20-25 euros that dondt need extra powersupply...

allright sooo hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii again and this forum is really nice, there s so much good first hand information about any cool boombox here and lots of nice enthusiastic people ;))... oh by the way i loved the registration warning for this site *g ;)))) laughed my ass off...

seeya, daniel


Member (SA)
:hi: thats a real nice looking and sounding boombox :thumbsup: and if the condition is nice i would not do any paintjob but thats up to you ;-)


Member (SA)
yep a friend of mine also said" boomboxes have to be silver, u suck *G" well ill see but since i did a lil photoshopping and the red coloring looks kind of stylish.. well maybe maybe not im also lazy like hell so it will take a lil while *g..

ohh i saw the dessau boombox meeting pictures.. awesome maschines u got there ...

seeya, daniel


Member (SA)
heheh thanks for the replies ,ohh and boomboomblaster well thats pretty much near where u live, im amazed that theres such a big and crazy (in a good way of course) boomboxscene in germany.. ill get my first blaster next week.. and as u guessed it wondt be the last one.. some are real design classics and much cooler than a designer vase, lamp and other crap that just looks nice but doesnt make music *g... theres a big fleamarket here in cologne every or every 2nd saturday .. i guess ill arm myself with some money next time. get my lazy ass early out of bed and go for boombox hunt *g.. at least i know what to look for after reading so much stuff about those thingies ;)

ah i modified my profile pic a lil, now its boomcat3000 ;)

seeya.. and of course will i post pics after its here.. and im curious how it sounds compared directly against my nubert boxes..


Member (SA)
krassi said:
heheh thanks for the replies ,ohh and boomboomblaster well thats pretty much near where u live, im amazed that theres such a big and crazy (in a good way of course) boomboxscene in germany.. ill get my first blaster next week.. and as u guessed it wondt be the last one.. some are real design classics and much cooler than a designer vase, lamp and other crap that just looks nice but doesnt make music *g... theres a big fleamarket here in cologne every or every 2nd saturday .. i guess ill arm myself with some money next time. get my lazy ass early out of bed and go for boombox hunt *g.. at least i know what to look for after reading so much stuff about those thingies ;)

ah i modified my profile pic a lil, now its boomcat3000 ;)

seeya.. and of course will i post pics after its here.. and im curious how it sounds compared directly against my nubert boxes..

:-D I wish you good luck on the flear in cologne and maybe one time we meet at the aachener weiher :-D If you see someone crancking up big boomer - that's probably me :lol:


Member (SA)
hahahah great i guess u would stick out of the student mass like a supernova with your boombox ;)) ... well i dondt really like that place i come from the südstadt so i prefer the volksgarten, theres this medieval castle siege flair when 10nillion gasstation 10 euro grills are burning steaks and sausages and there smoke like in a good 70 trash zombie movie ;))

but cool, that theres someone from cologne here ;)) my 5500 will come tomorrow i hope and i cant wait to smash my stupid trash radio ;)

seeya, daniel


Member (SA)
cool my boombox has arrived.. well it works looks good, some scratches but who cares... just one thing .. the switches need some treatment.. when i switch to radio or phono it makes lots of cracking noise and i have to switch some times till both speakers are working..
i guess ill open and clean it and need to put some contact spray on everything...(if its called contact spray ;) ) i got the good old oldschool WD-40 spray

seeya, and well it sounds 10billion times better than my old shitty kitchenradio

cool my boombox has arrived.. well it works looks good, some scratches but who cares... just one thing .. the switches need some treatment.. when i switch to radio or phono it makes lots of cracking noise and i have to switch some times till both speakers are working..
i guess ill open and clean it and need to put some contact spray on everything...(if its called contact spray ;) )

seeya, and well it sounds 10billion times better than my old shitty kitchenradio
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