New guy here owner of D8623 & unitech cx-800

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Member (SA)
I need parts for my D8623 just wanted to say hi to you all and I am from California USA bay area. Say hi don't be shy.


Member (SA)
Well thank you all. And happy New year to you all. :-) @raltein1 so do you have parts lol or do you have the same issue as I do. The other thing I can't find anything about my other box unitech cx800 lol they are like unexciting. Lol not sure if that's a gd thing or bad.


Member (SA)
Welcome to the place to be Ayala, stick around awhile, and I'm sure parts will eventually come your way ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
Welcome to the most friendly site on the planet Earth. :hi: :hi: :hi:
Ayalamji, I am afraid there are any shy people here. :lol: :lol:
They are very open heated and outgoing... :-D :w00t:


Member (SA)
I'm sorry to say,I don't have parts, for either of your very cool boomboxes.I knew what the d8623 was Philips/Magnavox.Very nice box i.m.h.o.but your other one I had to look up.Very nice by the way.I live up here in Redding and we don't really have that kind of selection of grail and semi-grail types.Mostly just older pannys,sharps and a lot of cheesy eggs.I myself mostly collect lower 5000 series Panasonics.Along with some non highly sought after JVCs and Sharps.Don't lose hope hope however as we have a fair few members who do have and or come across like yours.Also your in a great location to find big,fat,juicey boomboxes.The bay area(San Francisco)is were my parents used to go shopping.My mom loved Macy's downtown union square.I used to go upstairs to the electronics section and play with all the high dollar JVC's.Also went to Pacific Stereo a lot to check out all their killer boomers.So I know there are a lot in your area,just gotta try Craigslist and all the secondhand stores.I'm sure there's gotta be a few giant flea markets in the bay area too.It was(1980's)and still is such a large population zone that I'm pretty sure you'll find what you need,or someone here will come through.Mean while could you post a pic or two?😀👌😁


Member (SA)
Thank you ralrein1. Yeah I am always on the look out for the boxes. I only need parts for the D8623 the other one I was not able to find no information on the Cx-800 gd thing that one is complete. And works like a charm. Yeah I will keep my eyes open for some parts or need a friend that has a 3d printer lol


Member (SA)
The state of my D8623. I will put it back together is not like the part will magically come to my door step. IMAG2329.jpg


Boomus Fidelis
What parts do you need for your D8623? It's the same box as the D8614, which is as common as flies.
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