new box

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Member (SA)
sup guys. john here, 29, dj and producer of house music, techno , acid.

i had a box when i was a kid, a yoko ,ahah.

now im thinkin about getting a box to rock the city.

i have seen many models and have my favorites,

them being:

magna d8443

jvc rc m90w

jvc rc838


gf 8989


of course i like the 777z and the 1000, but hey, off the meter.

i like the lasonics,

they are kinda unique too,

trc 975

trc 931

and i love

the hitachis

trk 8190w

and the

trk 8290h

and so many other makes and models from lots other brands,

but maybe i'll get me

a sharp gf525

or a lasonic trc 931

a magna d8300

or maybe a hitachi 8190w

oh well...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Finding that new boombox for your collection will be a daunting task. There are so many brands and models to choose from! Good luck!! :thumbsup:

Master Z

Member (SA)
Whats your price range? Maybe we can help you pick the one with the most bang for the buck.
Let us know and welcome.
Paul Z. :cool:


Member (SA)
hi master.

hey, its like i always get cool stuff pretty cheap.

up to 100 bucks.

i will get a trc 931,

a hitachi trk8190,

or similar...

even though with little flaws, that i can fix, i am electronics able.

you see my point...

but yeah something CHEAP O.

but my main is the LA SONIC trc 931.

man i am almost craving.

and i AM a spiritual man.

go play this...
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