brauche hilfe hat jemand ersatzteile für den csc 850 ???? habe ein ersteigert aber dem fehlen leider der sender knopf ein aufsatz von umschalter radio tape phono und die kassettenklappe zahle 40 euro wer hat was da bitte melden über pn danke ????
need help anyone have spare parts for CSC 850?? I bought one but unfortunately the lack of a button the transmitter tower of tape selector switches radio phono cartridges, and the flap 40 will pay € who did what, please register as thanks over pn??
need help anyone have spare parts for CSC 850?? I bought one but unfortunately the lack of a button the transmitter tower of tape selector switches radio phono cartridges, and the flap 40 will pay € who did what, please register as thanks over pn??