Need some opinion on the Sanyo M9998 from you guys.

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Member (SA)
Hi all,

One collector in my country is gonna sell his M9998. As he describes, as well as what I have read from several posts on here, that model is a great machine from late 70s: great built quality, very nice sound. But that is not enough to help me decide to buy, as the asked price is really high. I have never seen one of these in person, so I need some opinion from you guys, regarding its sound and built quality. Maybe a quick comparo to 2 great boxes at the same circa (that I am quite familiar with): Sanyo 994 and Panasonic 4360 will help me get more clear ideas about this box?

Thank you.


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Boomus Fidelis
Heavy, good build quality, very good sound (but not as good as the M9994 IMO).

Very difficult to re-belt, however. Also, Sanyo FM circuitry sometimes goes bad, so make sure it can lock onto stations without drifting, and that the stereo light stays on.


Staff member
Aren't you going to even look at it when you buy?

Also like Reli says, with the age of these things, you really need to check it out and make sure everything is in good working order because service is definitely on the higher difficulty side, as you would expect being a high quality complicated machine. On the other hand, if working properly, definitely one of the better Boomboxes around. In my opinion, it's not really a carry around box though, with the hoop legs that protrude being somewhat awkward.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Great box if fully working, if not these can be had rather cheap as there difficult to work on, good sounding too


Member (SA)
Thank you all for your input.

Yes, I have no way to look at it by myself before making purchase because the seller is too far away. From the pictures and short video he send me it seems to be a fully working box. Except for one thing, that the speakers are not original ones. They were replaced before he bought the box.

I guess its sound and built quality will easily meet my expectation as you guys have confirmed. But I am not sure I will get along well with the feeling that it has been repaired in the past, or not sure that it will be working properly as it should be. I dont think I will be able to find someone can service that complicated machine for me. Another thing is it will cost me almost two time the highest amount I've ever paid for any box in my collection.

Maybe I will wait for another chance. :yes:

Have a good day!


Boomus Fidelis
Great boombox if it is fully working!

I have 3 of them and now after so much struggle I have one barely working.

Do I like it? I love it!

If I find one for sale, will I buy it? Yes, If Norm, James or Eric is my next door neighbor.

In reality....I will not buy it! I had enough trouble!

To be frank....My advice is to stay away from it! :nonono:

It is worse than having chronic itch on a part, hard to reach in public, and where Sun never shines! :w00t: :lol: :lol:
They look like speakers from a Sanyo M9998K (the version that has chrome trim and speakers with chrome centre caps). It's important that they are indeed, original Sanyo M9998 series speakers as they have a unique soft suspension that's key to the bassy sound. Although they look similar, the M9994 speakers aren't suitable as they have a lower power handling capability.

I would rate the sound quality of the M9998/M9998K as one of the best boomboxes I've heard. I'd rate it better than the slightly less powerful M9994.

The real issue with the M9998 is servicibility and reliability. I've had more issues with M9998s than any other box. I've gone through 4 units and I'm still struggling to create a truly fully working one. We all chase the M9998 dream as they really do sound unique and the deck is beautiful sounding.

My advice, do not buy a M9998 if you haven't seen it in person. Apart from the deck's functionality, bad amps (that distort even at low-mid volume levels) and weak AM/FM tuners are the main things to check.

Good luck,

James..... :-)


Member (SA)
Thank you all for your advices. Your advices helped me finally decided not to buy that m9998. I am now looking for a M9994 instead. I had chance to see one in person and its sound is really impressive to me. I do like its look more than the m9998.

Beside Panasonic, I now really like boxes from Sanyo.
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