Ned came to visit

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Member (SA)
Everyone's favorite Irish bbx collector was in New Zealand lately, Ned209 from S2G. Not sure if Ned's a member of this forum yet? You out there Ned!??

Unfortunately I was crazy busy while he was here, but we did catch up briefly one afternoon at my house. We had a quick beer and Ned checked out my blasters. He particularly liked my big Fisher so I gave it to him. here's a crappy photo of Ned and his new blaster at my house. Hope it works.



Member (SA)
Great to see you here Rambo! You were gone a while from the other site. Always liked NED. I hope he decides to join up here.He was one of the most helpful persons to me early on in the other forum.He went out of his way to make me feel welcome and I got some really good tips from him.BTW-I like the picture of the woman.How about sending that one to me if your giving things away :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Rambo, welcome back, dude! Looking forward to you hanging out here for a while. Hey, why do you share some photos in the Off Topic section?? I know Ira would really appreciate the surf that you guys have been enjoying. :-) :cool:


I Am Legend
yes !!!
welcome rambo --
and thanks for the plug , bobby :-)

any of those supreme surfing photos will be appreciated

btw - i just now sent a PM to ned about joining here
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