National RX-7200 is it that model really hot here?

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Member (SA)
I've heard many times lots of good and positive things about National RX-7200.
Surprisingly none of the US online auctions have it recently for sale.
Since the model has Japan FM and power supply is it really that popular among the collectors?
I'd like to hear from the owners if possible, since I get suspicious that it might be a questionable treasure? :-(
I'm looking for one for myself don't want to buy a treasure nobody wants :-


Boomus Fidelis
Yes it's very popular and sought-after, but it wasn't sold in the US. You could hunt for one in Japan or wait for a fellow collector to sell theirs, but a nice one will probably sell for $800+


Member (SA)
It's a very nice boombox. Good sound, pretty strong, great build quality, unique looks (together with the RX-7000). It's got pretty much everything :cool: The Tuner is useless around here, though, because it only goes up to 90MHz.


Member (SA)
Yes I know it's 100VAC and 76-90Mhz neither is an unresolvable issue to me. I'd like to hear more from fellow North America owners.


Member (SA)
Well, as an owner, I can say that it's certainly no questionable treasure.

Is it rare? Yes.
Is it desired among collectors? For sure.
Does it sound good? Hell yeah.

I just got it off the shelf for a hearing. Only few boomboxes can compete with the strong and punchy bass the RX-7200 delivers. You don't even have to mess with the bass switch or loudness button. It'll make Hip-Hop beats kick and electronic music stomp.

So the only questions that remain are: Do you like its style? Can you find one? If you're lucky enough to find one and then you realize it's not the boombox for you, you'll easily find someone who will gladly take it off your hands.


Member (SA)
I havent seen one come up on ebay in a long time. peppin used to sell them , and the rx7000...

It is not for everyone though. It belongs more in a library/studio than on the street. I doubt it was ever used to play hiphop on the streets of NYC back in the day. For that effect, get a jvc m90 instead.


Member (SA)
I wanted one more than any other box in the world when I started collecting and just had to have one! I got mine by contacting peppin (peppinhk) through ebay. He replied quickly that he would let me know when he next had one and I had to wait a month or two. Shipping from Hong Kong to Scotland was very expensive by airmail so I chose to have it by surface and that took another couple of months of anxious waiting! In the UK we use 230v so I had to buy a step down transformer before I could use it. Was it all worth it?

totally, I'd never part with mine :thumbsup:



Staff member
The only reason it's not more hot is because hardly anyone has ever personally experienced one. Hard to get excited over a model that one is unlikely to ever land. First it's a domestic Japan model so they rarely ever get imported. Even in Japan, it's very rare, and while everything else is going for cheap, this and a few other models still command top dollar.

But if you ever heard one, it quickly ascends to amongst the top of the heap, While sound is a subjective thing, there is no question this model will compete with the best of them. As for comparing this and the RX-7000, the comparison ends beyond the similar face layout and look. This is a totally different animal. I'd happily trade a spare M90 for a good minty example.

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
toshik said:
I guess it's in top notch condition with everything included. Shipping is extra!
Right, shipping is extra.
This beast is in a pretty good cosmetics but tape functions weren't exactly confirmed - sometimes translation from Japanese is a sort of gibberish language. It would need hands anyway.
Plus, rather minus, this digital tuner up to 90 Mhz only.
I was told that it's not a trivial task to expand it up to 108 MHz like an analogue one.

Mystic Traveller

Member (SA)
Another photo of this one sold for the top dollar.
Funny but was declared by a seller as a junk item. Just in case. :-D

As it happens rather often the seller was reluctant about overseas shipping by himself,
so a proxy company is necessary.

National RX-7200_1.jpg


Member (SA)
I don't think it matters what is cost 33 years ago, many things cost thousands and thousands even 5-10 years ago and can be get for a few dollars today! It's normal price depreciation.
The thing that matters that RX-7200 holds the price!
I don't know whether anything else from boombox shelf still sells today for that much.
Even top of the line Pioneer CT-F1250 cassette deck sells for less.


Member (SA)
I disagree about ignoring price from 33 years ago. A higher price indicates, but does not guarantee, higher quality.

There are exceptions such as the jvc M80, where the high price was partly due to new tech they were trying out (an odd tuner display, that few collectors want)

As for the rx7200, it has jumped up a lot in price in the last fews years. There is no guarantee that if you buy it at today's prices, it will remain at today's prices. Look at the jvc M70 for an example. They were selling for a lot more, not too long ago.


Boomus Fidelis
What were M70's selling for back then? I routinely see people paying $400-500 for them today.


Boomus Fidelis
Mystic Traveller said:
Pretty expensive beast then.
More than Victor PC-7, for instance, left alone M90.


LOL, the PC3 actually looks better than either the 5 or the 7 :lol:
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