It sits there looking awesome, it's a clean gorgeous machine.... that just ain't right!
What boxes do you have that you KNOW can be repaired, that are not junkers, but that just won't seem to revive regardless? Not one's where your too lazy to fix the problem, but the ones you REALLY have tried to fix. Even our experts must have one or two!
kaboom rv db-100- see my endless thread
aiwa cs 660- it works fantastic with the back off, but when on, there is a short i cannot find for the life of me.
What boxes do you have that you KNOW can be repaired, that are not junkers, but that just won't seem to revive regardless? Not one's where your too lazy to fix the problem, but the ones you REALLY have tried to fix. Even our experts must have one or two!
kaboom rv db-100- see my endless thread
aiwa cs 660- it works fantastic with the back off, but when on, there is a short i cannot find for the life of me.