Well, I discovered a nasty by-product of the LED systems that simply wasn't going away with the Prosonic mod. Sometimes I would get this buzzing noise from the LEDs in the Line-In & Tape circuits. Usually, I could move LED cables around & reduce the noise by trial & error but the Prosonic was a stubborn beast due to its cheaper build & the LEDs on the face are so close to the controls & pre-amp boards. When the face was off the LEDs did not introduce noise into the audio until you put the face back on & the leds got close to the volume, bass treble & control board...
I decided to try some foil tape & ground strap.
Below, you can see where I surround the offending EMI causing device(led strip) with foil & ground it to shunt any magnetic fields before they enter the low level audio circuits of the preamp. Since the LED strip is on the other side of that plastic panel, I had to shield the entire area where the controls are on both sides of the cassette bay....
I also changed out the control knobs for the LED controllers & fitted them with Fender guitar knobs that are real chrome & knurled sides.
They look PHAT as HELL!!!
Watch the entire video to see the difference between shielded & grounded vs. no ground....I put a switch on the side to lift the ground so we can do a side by side comparison in the same vid....