My newly acquired & Restored RC-M90

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Member (SA)


Member (SA)
NIce!!!! So I see your tech finally signed off on it! Really glad you got those niggles sorted out before they turned into big problems.

After hearing that snipped of the house mix tape, I'm going to have to give that a listen now. The video is leaving me hanging. BTW, that Aiwa 990 I scored last week which I sent you photos of.... It sounds great, but the tape deck is no-go.

See you around! Enjoy the M-90! It's one of the good ones!



Member (SA)
jaetee said:
NIce!!!! So I see your tech finally signed off on it! Really glad you got those niggles sorted out before they turned into big problems.

After hearing that snipped of the house mix tape, I'm going to have to give that a listen now. The video is leaving me hanging. BTW, that Aiwa 990 I scored last week which I sent you photos of.... It sounds great, but the tape deck is no-go.

See you around! Enjoy the M-90! It's one of the good ones!

That Aiwa is a nice looking box. Sorry to hear about the tape deck. Hopefully just a belt :-)

The M90 was signed off on a Friday @ 1PM but I was called and notified of the repair on Tuesday by the secretary.....I think the Tech took it home for a few days to enjoy it because he really didn't want to let it That was fine with me as long as it was 100% functional. No shelf queen here. I'm going to use it. So far it's been to a 4th of July Party and a few family get together events.

The only thing depressing is how little the average Joe knows about any of our wonderful pieces of equipment. I'm expecting people to know what they're looking at and they pay it no mind. I guess I have to accept that most do not share the same interest or know anything about this stuff. These are the folks I hope to purchase a rare box from because they have no clue. They would sell one of these for 40 bucks. Thank goodness for Ignorance in a way :-)


Boomus Fidelis
Was so hard to go to sleep the day I got my M90. I woke up in the night and checked if it was real. :w00t: :lol: :lol:
I could barely see the M90 because there was no light in the room. :yes: :hmmm:


Member (SA)
BoomboxLover48 said:
Was so hard to go to sleep the day I got my M90. I woke up in the night and checked if it was real. :w00t: :lol: :lol:
I could barely see the M90 because there was no light in the room. :yes: :hmmm:
haha. Yes sir. Same for me except I had mine playing softly all night so I would wake up every hour and the glowing power and stereo LED's guided me through the darkness to the box :-P

This brings up an interesting thing though. Seems like they would have installed some lights for the VUs and the Frequency Bar at the top (when operated on wall current). For all I know there could be bulbs they're just burned out but I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
They didn't have any VU or tuner window bulbs. We all agree that the M90 should have some!!!!!

m90 led 3.jpg
red 2.jpg


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
They didn't have any VU or tuner window bulbs. We all agree that the M90 should have some!!!!!

m90 led 3.jpg
red 2.jpg
Wow! Those look awesome. I would say this is a mod worth doing :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
I can't love that kind of LED set up. Light from the source has to be diffused...evenly...... or else it looks like a Christmas tree..

It is so easy to light up like a Christmas tree....and needs lots of talent to make it look very impressive!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
There is no room above or below the VU meters to diffuse the light properly. The only way would be to light it from the sides. That's my next way to try it out.


Member (SA)
I'll let blu figure it out and then copy j/k :-D

The second picture isn't too bad. I do get what BBL48 is saying but I also see why it would be hard to light.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, its simply a spacial issue when lighting above and below the VU meters. From the pictures, it looks like there is much more space to the sides of the VU's.

Above the VU is the tuner window, horizontal rib for strength, and 2 mounting posts for the rear case:

Below the VU is where the main circuit board and first row of potentiometers fill the space:

Just about any shallow LED strip will need to have the current dropped to make the LEDs less bright:

Power/ground can be tapped at the power switch circuit board as well as the resistors needed to bring the brightness down:



Member (SA)
Dude well happy for you, a dream come true i bet. I am hoping one day to hear an M90 in person so your a lucky guy :)
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