My neighbor has a boombox!

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Member (SA)
Walked out the front door with my girl last night at about 1:00am to show her something in the yard that she thought was missing. It wasn't.
The neighbors across the street were winding down from a party they had in the driveway with the parents of their daughter's softball team. We had several drinks in us at this point. My girl looks over at them, and out of nowhere she screams at the top of her lungs..."Hey Linda!! Shut the **** up!!!" Linda starts laughing and says something. Then my girl proceeded to yell the same thing 5 or 6 more times at the top of her lungs in our quiet little neighborhood. By then myself and the 3 across the street are just dying laughing. So of course they invited us over for some drinks and some **** shootin.
So we're hangin out listening to some 80's music on his iPod and crappy little docking station when my girl chimes in with the old "Daryl you need to get a boombox, Greg has like 20 of them."... in her condescending joking tone. Linda pipes up and says "Daryl has a boombox...its an Aiwa." So of course I said "shut the **** up, Linda." Daryl chimes in and starts saying he has one in the basement that he bought brand new in 1983 or got for a present or graduation or something....I don't remember as I was pretty drunk. So I said you have an Aiwa boombox in your basement from 1983? Yup he says. I say "shut the **** up Daryl". He goes in the house and comes back out with a boomer I've only read about but never seen or heard. Aiwa CS660. I was floored. Don't believe I've ever run into anyone not from this forum who just happened to have a classic boombox. It was awesome. I ran across the street and grabbed a power cord and aux cable for his iPod. Hooked it up and blasted some tunes. I kept telling Daryl how ****ing cool that was and I could see how he felt like the king of the block for about 20 minutes. I told him to ditch the docking station and clean this bad boy up and use it. I left him the cords. It was pretty dirty and still had batteries in it that had leaked. Little crack on the vu windows. Antenna still intact. It was awesome. Still sounded fantastic.
We'll see if he uses it or we'll see if he wants to sell it to his cool younger neighbor across the street!!!!
Sorry for the crappy pics but it was late and I was drunk.


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Member (SA)
Ha,ha,ha. Dude that's a killer story! What a kawinkie dink that your neighbor has a kick arse boomer from the good old days. Maybe you can get him into the madness of collecting too. Or like you said maybe he'll want to sell it to you. I think the pics you took are pretty good. Drunk or not. Its amazing how he has held onto it for all these years. Just goes to show ya how many of these things are in peoples garages and basements. Very cool yo!!


Member (SA)
Nah......................."Shut the fark up"! :lol: Dear me, what a night you had - and remembered enough of it to a very entertaining post which had me smiling all the way through! :yes: :-D :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup: :rock:


Member (SA)
Great story man, and nice framing in the pics after some wobbly pops! :thumbsup:
'specially nice to get to hear and see one ya haven't before also!


Member (SA)
Great read Greg, its crazy how many of these boomers are just tucked away hidden in peoples houses :-D We may have a new member here soon :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Nice story.
Wish I had neighbours like that.

You guys are pretty much bonded now! Something like that is all it takes!

Those 660s are great. I have a couple.


Member (SA)
That's so awesome. Has he seen any of your boxes before?

It might be good in that it gets him more interested in collecting, but bad because if that happens, he won't want to sell his Aiwa to you :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
He was using a shitty doc and had this gem hiding in the basement?!?!? He must feel so much better now hahahaa.


Member (SA)
I took my 7980 over there that night but i didn't plug it in..played it on batteries. So he couldn't see the sweet LEDs in the tuner window. Him and his buddy loved it.
I don't see this guy getting into collecting...just not the type. However, he is the guy in the neighborhood who turns his radio on in his minivan (yes, minivan) when its parked in his garage and blast all different kinds of music like he gives absolutely zero ****s about what you think.
I don't know, maybe he'll start using it. If I don't see him use it, I'll make him an offer he can't refuse!


Boomus Fidelis
that was one of the boxes that I would always test with my sanyo 9994. the cs660 is imho just as good in the bass department and I believe a bit louder than the sanyo :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I gave him some time. I asked him today if he's ready to part with it. No go. He said he's had it since 10th grade and isn't ready to let it go....yet.
He did say that he wants to hit up some local flea markets with me though....maybe I'll find something.
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