My HS Reunion Last Night!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone,I just attended my HS reunion last night and I brought 2 boomboxes and some tapes to.
My JVC-RC656 is a 81' model and the Debo cassette as well.
The Aiwa Stereo 926 is a little later I believe and I brought a few other tapes.
It was a great conversation piece and fit right in with our 1981 reunion.😋😎🎓🎓📟💳


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Boomus Fidelis
Very Cool 😎 I got my 30 yr reunion together for grammar school and it was a blast. Although it was mostly girls and I brought a modern I931 for the music

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I have never been to a reunion. Did you have fun? What did people say about the radio's? Was your old G/F fat and ugly?
Hi Chris,it was actually pretty fun,me and another classmate put it together athe Medina Ballroom.There was only about 30 of us there.
Everyone seems to be on vacation this time of year.
I saw a couple of my old friends but my girl was 4 years younger than me so she wasn't there.
BTW,she's still hot!😋😮😎
Now for rest,kind of glad these only come 5 years. It does suck getting older.😋🎓🎓


Member (SA)
So cool! If I still lived in the same state I graduated from I'd show up with boxes too :-)
When we all had our post-graduation party at the local bowling alley, I won the top raffle prize that night - a boombox!
But, it was a cheap Sony. Boo :thumbsdown:

Lasonic TRC-920

Hi Chris,it was actually pretty fun,me and another classmate put it together athe Medina Ballroom.There was only about 30 of us there.
Everyone seems to be on vacation this time of year.
I saw a couple of my old friends but my girl was 4 years younger than me so she wasn't there.
BTW,she's still hot!😋😮😎
Now for rest,kind of glad these only come 5 years. It does suck getting older.😋🎓🎓

I don't know what would be worse, to see your ex gf and she's HOT or not to see her at all.

Get on that bro! :p


Member (SA)
That is very cool, I've never been to any of my high school reunions either, sounds like yours was a great time, nice boomboxes too.


Member (SA)
I've never attended any of my HS reunions either. Now living in another state makes it harder :'-(. ​
I'm glad you made it and you had fun, no matter how big the crowd was. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
The 656 is a great stereo :-) Nice bass & treble extremes nicely delivered & these last forever.........the motor mount rubbers rot away as do the belts but easily replaced to give another 30 years of service :thumbsup:
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