Hello, today i went to my grandma as she told me that she had something to give to me. She gave me a really nice radio, my first impression of course was "wow!", it was really dirty though, inside and from outside, every control was crackly and bad. Lots of contact cleaner later it was much better. Full logic deck seems to be operational actually, but belt was bad and i didn´t have access to that, as it´s very sophisticated, i´ll leave it to repairman. I put cassette in, pressed play, but nothing happened and cassette was locked inside, now when you turn it on it shows green "Pause" light so i suppose something´s stuck there. And for my surprise, both aerials are intact and not bent. Battery cover is missing.
About the story, my grandma and grandpa got some foreign currency in their hands in Soviet time, but owning this was a crime in USSR so they had to spend it in currency store, where novelty pieces and foreign products outside the USSR were sold. They bought some clothes, a TV, a car, Fisher double radio cassette and this one here as they needed the money to be gone. This JVC must have been really expensive back then.
I hope you love ´em !
About the story, my grandma and grandpa got some foreign currency in their hands in Soviet time, but owning this was a crime in USSR so they had to spend it in currency store, where novelty pieces and foreign products outside the USSR were sold. They bought some clothes, a TV, a car, Fisher double radio cassette and this one here as they needed the money to be gone. This JVC must have been really expensive back then.
I hope you love ´em !