my "Ghetto Blaster" video

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Member (SA)
hey guys- been gone a long time (got married, pregnant, the usual) - wasn't sure if any of you use stereo2go any more but regardless i wanted to share this project with you. I had always wanted to write a "ghetto blaster" song and finally did! i filmed a music video for it with some friends and used my collection (one broke as you'll see :'-( ) - hope you enjoy - i can't think of anyone to better appreciate. thanks guys - it's good to be back!! - GHETTO BLASTER Music Video - Music. Parkour. Bboys. Skaters. Graffiti. Amazing Movement.



Member (SA)
Loved the video Malakai! Great to see you're still rockin' on!

Top song and video.

Apart from the last 2 seconds!

Rock On.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Holy crap! That tune is slammin'! :w00t: The video looks very professional too. Great job all around. :thumbsup: And of course, recognized the C-100 that basically started all of this. :-D

Welcome back and congratulations on the marriage and baby. :cool: :cool:


Member (SA)
Hell no would I let someone use their skateboard on my car, that had to have been a rental.

Vid. was good and if that box was a real dead beater then you gave it a proper death.

Just like they do to war machines the Military gives them a well deserve death of honor, so should boomboxes.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Haha, very cool man! I feel like a poser when I see you guys that eat, live, and play boombox. I just play ;-)


Member (SA)
Thanks guys!!

couple of things :
that wasn't a rental - which kind of makes it worse! lol! - but close - our friend couldn't make his payments and decided to donate it to the cause before sending it back... turns out they repo-d it that weekend!~
we owe him one- the car was pretty rocked afterwards

as for the box at the end- it was my only dud box - never did anything but looked great and didn't run me much-
it was a spontaneous decision as an ode to rockers breaking their guitar...

funny part is that we were all starving at that point; and cold... and had been practicing for half an hour with a shoe - that was obvoiusly a one take deal. we loosened the screws too just to be sure - and well it worked out!

appreciate you guys checking it -

i can say that they had originally asked me to break my VZ.... um no way!! :nonono:


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Haha, very cool man! I feel like a poser when I see you guys that eat, live, and play boombox. I just play ;-)

Have to agree, poser all the way here with me too after seeing that vid :lol:

Super cool track and clip. Thanks for sharing
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