Heyya all,
Was rehashing the lights in my mind & was wondering how to improve the looks. I noticed the VU's had uneven intensity & the three RGB LEDs were off center, relative to the needles. Also, the tuning dial lacked lighting & was ahrd to see in low light. I discivered the secret to lighting both the VU meters & tuner DIAL.
You have to go 'over the top':
Place your LED lighting above the meters & dial at the very front edge of the cabinet so that slight amount of back lighting bleeds throught & reflects off the silver tuning & VU scales ....SWEEET!!!
As an added BONUS!!! The tuning needle or 'indicator' lights up like a christmas tree & stands out nicely.
Was rehashing the lights in my mind & was wondering how to improve the looks. I noticed the VU's had uneven intensity & the three RGB LEDs were off center, relative to the needles. Also, the tuning dial lacked lighting & was ahrd to see in low light. I discivered the secret to lighting both the VU meters & tuner DIAL.
You have to go 'over the top':
Place your LED lighting above the meters & dial at the very front edge of the cabinet so that slight amount of back lighting bleeds throught & reflects off the silver tuning & VU scales ....SWEEET!!!
As an added BONUS!!! The tuning needle or 'indicator' lights up like a christmas tree & stands out nicely.