My First "What Is It?" Thread

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Member (SA)
My cousin recently moved back to Boston from Myrtle Beach. She moved into the 2nd floor of our family home in Newton and found this picture while cleaning. This is my Grandfather sitting in the living room of the 1st floor unit. He did have a Sanyo M9990 that was usually in the garage, the cellar, or in his work van, but I don't really remember this one.

Anyone know the model? I'm thinking GE, but I'm sure a member will recognize the exact model.


Whoever snapped this must have caught him off-guard. He never let anyone take his picture with his glasses on.
All those tapes in front of him are a potpourri of Armenian music, classic rock, and silly tapes tapes we cousins made. My Nana still has most of them and I still have his "Riders on the Storm" tape.


Member (SA)
Cool pic superlew :thumbsup: very hard to tell the model with it being rear view and quiet distant. It does have a Toshiba look to it I would say. Hope someone can put a positive ID on it for you, it would be nice to know what your Grandfather was rocking :cool:


Member (SA)
Thanks systemaddict!

I've been combing the internet, but there are literally thousands of models to comb through.

Some things to keep in mind:
  • Recessed Handle (Gray)
  • Keys on top
  • Tuning knob on right side (when facing from the front)
  • Separate cord storage compartment
  • AC/DC switch
  • some type of panel in lower left corner (when facing from the back)
  • Somewhat distinctive "UL" sticker, which is common on many models
  • Some type of switch on same side as tuning knob


Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
Not a whole lot of units come with attached cord..? :hmmm:
A few of the lower-end Panny's come to mind, but no matches.
The handle is pretty distinct. I searched a bunch of Hitachi models with similar handles, but again, no matches.


Member (SA)
superlew said:
A few of the lower-end Panny's come to mind, but no matches.
The handle is pretty distinct. I searched a bunch of Hitachi models with similar handles, but again, no matches.
It was a good idea to check out Hitachi too, because my 3D80 has the power cord attached and stored inside :yes: I'm sure someone will ID it soon :-)


Member (SA)
Here's the handle detail from a Sanyo M9924. It's very similar, but the back case isn't a match.
Guess I gave us quite a challenge... :hmmm:


I'm kinda hell-bent on figuring out the model at this point. Once I see the correct back case I'll know.


Member (SA)
superlew said:
Here's the handle detail from a Sanyo M9924. It's very similar, but the back case isn't a match.
Guess I gave us quite a challenge... :hmmm:


I'm kinda hell-bent on figuring out the model at this point. Once I see the correct back case I'll know. sure is a tough call this one :yes:


Member (SA)
I distinctly remember seeing a gray model on the bay a few months ago with this setup on the back, power cord door in the upper right. I looked high and low at the models I might have been perusing, can't find it :bang: Now I have to know too!


Member (SA)
Okay, I'm not sure why but I was just sitting here staring into space and wondered if I checked CEC.


Your grandfather owned a CEC SCR-7000. The best and only pics I could find are here




Member (SA)
caution said:
Okay, I'm not sure why but I was just sitting here staring into space and wondered if I checked CEC.


Your grandfather owned a CEC SCR-7000. The best and only pics I could find are here

I've been searching through models for days now.
I know it wasn't a super-high-end model, which made it more of a challenge.
It's good to have the top men and women on the case. :cool:



Member (SA)
So, it turns out this was my cousin Mike's box. He immediately recognized it when I FB posted the pics that caution found. And, of course, I went and bought the one in the link he provided. It's not really my cup of tea, but at that price with the attached nostalgia, I couldn't say no.

It's in pretty decent shape, all things considered. And, yes, it did include the original box. I'll be going through it this weekend. I think I'm going to give this to my cousin when I see him at my nephew's Christening in a few weeks.



EDIT: caution, I owe you a beer if you make your way to the East Coast!


Member (SA)
Glad to see you were able to win it! :clap:

You had some serious karma going here, how does such a oddball model, WITH the original box, go up for sale as you ask about it? I'm not even sure why I spent so much time looking at it as to remember the details of the back. It's not even one I am after.
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