My First "Modification"

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Member (SA)
The left woofer on my HK9000z blew, so I had to replace them. Had some old woofers from my JVC "giga-tube" stereo. They were an exact fit :-)
The bass is just amazing. You can actually feel the bass in your gut :w00t:



Member (SA)
They are 16cm. I found the highs with the stock tweeters were very good, so I didn't touch them. Even with the new woofers(sub-woofers actually), the bass doesn't overpower the sound. The best part, I can turn it almost full blast with no distortion :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nice mod, PG. Are those woofers really aluminum cone or just silver poly? :huh:


Staff member
Those woofs are a faaaaaaaaaar improvement over the originals. If I had kept mine I would have dumped them as well because the HK had way more power than the speakers could handle.

Nice! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
They were 4ohm, same as the factory, so the load is the same. I don't think there aluminum, guess silver poly? The magnet was about 4 times bigger on these then the factory. It really does "thump" now :-)

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
Well that plan came together nicely didn't it?
They look even better than the originals.
I have a shelf of speakers standing by.
one of these days I'm going to find a box thats needs a switch out and i will pic the perfect fit.

Cheers OSS :afro:


Member (SA)
That looks amazing also! :w00t: Can you give the details of what you needed to do to make them fit?


Member (SA)
Hey Jovie, they were an exact fit. The holes for the screws matched up perfectly. The ohm load was the same. The only thing I had to do was soldier the speakers connections. If your going to try this, make sure to take off the grill to reach the screws. I accidently pulled the entire front part off, what a nightmare :'-(


Member (SA)
Nice one Peter!

It would be nice to keep things original but once you hear the sound from a modification there's no turning back. It must be really sick because I found the three piecers to be generally a lot louder than the single piecers.

Lasonic TRC-920

Those do look really great in there. It ad's a modern touch to the 80's/90's flare. Good deal

Awesome you got such a great sound improvment
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