My first DIY shelves

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Member (SA)
Finally ive made my first shelves. Really happy about that. Made em alone :thumbsup: . So less boxes are staying stacked around the rooms now. Must made some more. Im happy because im really bad in DIY :lol: . We are saying here - man whit two left hands - thats me :lol: . So this is boombox love.





Member (SA)
Nice one!

That is a stunning collection given you haven't been at it for all that long :yes:


Member (SA)
monchito said:
wow that is wonderful work of art :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: how much for the sanyo with the red tweeters :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: dibs :w00t: :monchito:
Dude ive just got it yesterday. And I love her. Was hunting for this one a long time. Love the orange tweeters and leds.... Choose some of the boxes whit not led VU's :lol: . Im a LEDman :lol: .
Thanks to all for the nice words.


Member (SA)
Are you sure they will hold on the wall? :hmmm: :hmmm:
Maybe 10 screws are not enough for each bracket... :-O
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Looks stunning! You accquired a great collection so fast! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
Are you sure they will hold on the wall? :hmmm: :hmmm:
Maybe 10 screws are not enough for each bracket... :-O
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Looks stunning! You accquired a great collection so fast! :thumbsup:
Hopefully they will hold :lol: . Thanks. The SJ is staying for my netbook speaker :lol: . Small comp whit massive speakers :lol: .


Member (SA)
Excellent display, Sven!! Nothing beats a big ol' wall o blasters!

Great collection too, very cool selection thus far.

Rock On.


I Am Legend
alfie said:
Nice one!

That is a stunning collection given you haven't been at it for all that long :yes:

:agree: :agree:

and even if that was a 10 year collection --still :drool: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :-D


Member (SA)
Thanks to all. From all 40 screws and anchors just one get loose (it was loose when i made it an i was lazy to put some glue to fix it properly). The brackets are staying on the floor too so should be ok. The screws are just to not let the brackets to fall frontally. So second day and ive checked all a few times and put some shaking pressure just to be sure. And now i waked up (1pm here :lol: ) and the shelves and boxes are still here :lol: . Was considering to make em whit threaded rods through the whole wall but thats was insane amount of work and tools :lol: .


Member (SA)
Many thanks. Will build the next one even better :lol: . Tomorrow whill try to buy a smaller sofa and to take out the big older one, to clean some more space :lol: . But dont tell my girlfriend please :lol: . Lookin around in our small house to free some more storage space :lol: . At the front of this wall was my DJ boot. Its gone :lol: . Will play whitout boot :lol:. And i use the Super jumbo for laptop speakers and have beaters all around the house, and parts and tools :lol: . Its goin crazy :thumbsup: .
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