my first boombox

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Member (SA)
i copped a sony CFS-5000 from ebay. after waiting for what felt like forever,,it was actually only 12days,,my box arrived in tha mail today. i litterlly ran to tha store too buy tha batteries since it didnt come with a power cord,,ran home,,hooked up tha speakers tuned it to 104.5 my favorite station,,and....nothing.i plugged my headfones in through tha jackk and heard sound soo i though it was user error soo i brought it too my moms bf who makes a liveing buying broke elctronics off of ebay,,fixxing then and putting right back out there,,well he alsoo is a sofware enginer of somthing. but he messed with the speakers andd.....nothing. just to be sure i popped in tha eazy-e tapped i had just purchased from reptoid and hit play(i know it was rewinded becasue i have a old GE recorder/tape deck) and....nothing i looked through tha door andd no matter what bottons i press nothing engages. needless too sayy this first purchase was a FAIL. but i got it for soo cheap i cant be too disapointed. if i send it back i will have paid a totall of $30 for shipping and $10.50 for tha box.soo off to tha top closet shelf she goes!!!!



Member (SA)
Sorry to hear that it came dead. That too was my first boombox that my parents bought me. I remember throwing it out and only if i still had it I would have given it you. Did the seller not describe the box as not working?


Member (SA)
noo in tha almost non existing desription he literlly said "Sony CFS-5000 boombox. Everything works, antenna is complete" that its all. soo i didnt expect it too be minty fresh. i messaged him and he said apon shipp out everything workked. he has zero feedback and isnt selling anyother items soo i dont really thing hes worried about feebackk


Member (SA)
Did you try taking it apart? If it is not going to be used anyway, why not take a few screws off and see what you find.

Maybe something got loose in shipping. Is anything rattling around inside when you move the box around?

Master Z

Member (SA)
EBay sucks. Next time just buy from someone on here. We won't sell you something that doesn't work but claim that it does. Good luck getting it sorted out.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have a freebie for you if you pay shipping. Has a line in too :thumbsup: .

Panasonic with the "XBASS" setup. Not a grail, but still fun! Everything works too. Needs to be cleaned for sure. Has a pretty awesome EQ and there is a seperate dial and on/off switch for the xbass so you can tune this thing to be loud and clear for whatever music you are listening to.

I paid $7 for it but it is worth it to me to give it to you just for cost of postage. If you want it, PM me your shipping address.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
mtrkr has the big brother of mine for sale too. His has dual cassette and the unit looks bigger overall. The backs look almost the same too. Not sure how much he wants.



Member (SA)
no nothing rattels when i move it but apon closer ispection tha face plate is half way off. im not sure wha too look for if i doo take it off. and there was no ac/dc switch to bee found. theres still ann orignal sticker tha sayys "its a sony" on tha door of tha tape deck.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
So..... did you want the one I offered? I think I can even send it out tomorrow.


Boomus Fidelis
Did you try it also on AC? :hmmm:
I have also some boxes, working on AC, but not on DC.
Mostly it´s the switch inside the cable plug.
Or rusty contacts.
If the box have a fix mounted cable, there must be a switch that can fail...


Member (SA)
there is no ac/dc switch i can find. ive searched tha outside of tha box. imma take tha back off soon and see if theres a loose wiree.

el cad

Member (SA)
Oh man, sorry to hear about your box being DOA.

So you have a Playstation 1 or 2? The AC cord from them should work. Same goes for a lot of computer devices like printers.


Member (SA)
nopeee.i rockk a xbox three sixty. imma open er upp soon and see what im up against.alsoo totally off topic but todayy after spending 7hours in tha mall i bough tha ballinest shoes ever. low top airforce ones with a purple suede/metllic alligator print with a shiny yellow acents includeing tha check and tha very bottem(tha part bellow tha sole) in red.ithink yes imma high top kinda guy but who could resist. i mean tha last pair in stock of these limited addions where only half a size off!!! twas ment too bee. sorryy about that off topicness. but yeahh,,im thinking tha half wayy open face plate might have something too doo with it.soo imma popp her open and checkk :-D imean even if i fail it was a cheap learning moms bf says he knows a cheap repair mann.

el cad

Member (SA)
mr.getitdone said:
nopeee.i rockk a xbox three sixty. imma open er upp soon and see what im up against.alsoo totally off topic but todayy after spending 7hours in tha mall i bough tha ballinest shoes ever. low top airforce ones with a purple suede/metllic alligator print with a shiny yellow acents includeing tha check and tha very bottem(tha part bellow tha sole) in red.ithink yes imma high top kinda guy but who could resist. i mean tha last pair in stock of these limited addions where only half a size off!!! twas ment too bee. sorryy about that off topicness. but yeahh,,im thinking tha half wayy open face plate might have something too doo with it.soo imma popp her open and checkk :-D imean even if i fail it was a cheap learning moms bf says he knows a cheap repair mann.
Yup, got one of them as well and the power cord is grounded so it would work. If I didn't have video game expenses then I probably be buried in boxes by now.

Don't start talking about shoes, that's habit I've at least broken. I just let the wife replace them when she thinks they are get to old looking. She's been trying to get rid of my Adidas Kareem's low tops for a while.


Member (SA)
ahaha. but by chance i was looking m=for tha cord to charge my moms laptop and that just soo happends to fit my box.still no sound form speakers but it powers upp


Member (SA)
Hi there ,I am new to the site .I am based in England and thinkingof buying a Sony CFS5000L but I am not sure of the units dimensions .Could anyone tell me them please .Many thanks. :hmmm:
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