i copped a sony CFS-5000 from ebay. after waiting for what felt like forever,,it was actually only 12days,,my box arrived in tha mail today. i litterlly ran to tha store too buy tha batteries since it didnt come with a power cord,,ran home,,hooked up tha speakers tuned it to 104.5 my favorite station,,and....nothing.i plugged my headfones in through tha jackk and heard sound soo i though it was user error soo i brought it too my moms bf who makes a liveing buying broke elctronics off of ebay,,fixxing then and putting right back out there,,well he alsoo is a sofware enginer of somthing. but he messed with the speakers andd.....nothing. just to be sure i popped in tha eazy-e tapped i had just purchased from reptoid and hit play(i know it was rewinded becasue i have a old GE recorder/tape deck) and....nothing i looked through tha door andd no matter what bottons i press nothing engages. needless too sayy this first purchase was a FAIL. but i got it for soo cheap i cant be too disapointed. if i send it back i will have paid a totall of $30 for shipping and $10.50 for tha box.soo off to tha top closet shelf she goes!!!!