my cuz ... what you think?

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Member (SA)
Ditto to all of the above. Not my usual choice in music genre but found myself watching it twice :thumbsup:

Excellent work all around and seems like a true depiction of your great city!

Great post Dave



Member (SA)
thank all you guys... I will let him know what you guys think he would greatly appreciate it ... he is trying very hard to come up in the game... I also crank it up in my garage often love the beat and the lyrics...

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
Nice box. Rare. 1 just sold yesterday for 155.00 usd. I should have pulled the trigger. seen only 1 on ebay in that last 3 years.


Member (SA)
Vintage Man said:
Nice box. Rare. 1 just sold yesterday for 155.00 usd. I should have pulled the trigger. seen only 1 on ebay in that last 3 years.
Yep. I've got one and always have watched the auctions for years. they do seem to be rarish and never go for as much as they are worth IMO. High quality box for the price for sure.

For salt on the wound found mine locally mint :drool: for $10 she felt guilty cause the tape deck wouldn't play a cassette (easy fix old belt) and almost talked herself lower :lol: and being my first in the wild find I was walking on air for a good week afterwards. Sure wish you could find these boxes as easily as you used to.
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