Inspired by Norm's Kaboom project I wanted to try my hand at painting a Kaboom. Couple weeks ago a dusty, dirty and rusty box showed up on Craigslist for cheap so I picked it up. It was dirty, very dirty. But thankfully all functions were working perfectly, was only missing the antenna. Lucked out there.
Took it apart completely, this was kinda fun actually, and cleaned it up real nice.
Here's a pic of the front before paint.
After paint.....
Finished product. The blue matches the blue display nicely!
More pictures outdoors.
Now I just need Norm to kick down with a tweeter kit......
Took it apart completely, this was kinda fun actually, and cleaned it up real nice.
Here's a pic of the front before paint.
After paint.....
Finished product. The blue matches the blue display nicely!
More pictures outdoors.
Now I just need Norm to kick down with a tweeter kit......