retrohead said:
looks like a jvc clone to me-nevertheless a nice box to the eye-good choice-well got!
Sold a sears brand model 20841 Great sounding unit- sold one awhile back for $125 US - this one only sold for $70 US but to a frequent buyer..the MONA and the SEARS were made by SANYO as are most of Sears boxes..also sold a SEARS model 20407 exactly same box as Sanyo M-9935
Just an FYI for you guys- and another member here claimed to have had the same box but his speakers were branded Rising inside-interesting combination of possibilities here
The MONA is a very loud great sounding box- cassette mechanism is smooth , great tuner even for shortwave...don`t let the name fool ya- it`s a Sanyo in disguise, and decent power output too..
If you get the chance, pull the covers off the rear and see what brand the speakers are- now this has sparked some curiosity!