Minty D8444 just sold for 324€!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
It had 49 bids. :-O That's crazy stuff!! But, I bet the seller is sehr glücklich.


Boomus Fidelis
That is just silly retarded. Those boxes aren't that great. No offense to anyone who has one.


Member (SA)
Hey guys, you forgot the fact that every boombox could be someone's Grail.
So, sometimes, the amount of money is not important :cool:


Member (SA)
BMoney said:
devol-toni said:
Hey guys, you forgot the fact that every boombox could be someone's Grail.
So, sometimes, the amount of money is not important :cool:
Me Too. Still very expensive though. I always wanted one of those but I've heard sooooooooo many coments on how disappointing they are that it's slipped way down my wants list............


Boomus Fidelis
Well there's one on Ebay every week, so it's hardly rare.......And they usually sell for only about 125€ :-/


Member (SA)
Well, yeah, it might be somebody's grail, but it's really not that rare. Also there must have been at least one other bidder to whom it is a grail and who bid this high...
No offense meant to anyone who likes this box - I like it too - despite it's mediocre sound it's definitely a looker. But seriously? 324€? That's 460$...
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