Minor problem with my sharp Gf-777

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Member (SA)
Hello, Just recently picked up myself a mint condition Sharp Gf777 and i have one minor problem with tape deck 2 it is very slow f forward and rewinding the tapes? is this an easy fix or a strip down, Any ideas would be great, :-/
Regards Andy.


Boomus Fidelis
andyt2256 said:
Is that a hard job? and also where could i get a belt(belts) from? Many Thanks for your reply.
I have never done the gf777 but if you have never done any bbx I would recommend lots of pics while taking apart :thumbsup: Maybe another member who has rebelted one of these type sharps could assist (gf767, 777,999 1000)... here are the belt sizes ;-)
Sharp 777
SBM 6.0 x 2
SBS 7.4
FBM 11.5 x 2
As for places in England to purchase you can try a search on web for cassette deck belts :-D


Member (SA)
oh yer mines a 767 but i think the belts and tape deck are the same I maybe be able to tell ya the cpc number belts but only after as i have a load in stock!


Member (SA)
I had a problem as well with my GF 777, and although I had replaced my belts, my technician also adjusted the deck door which can also pose a problem with the mechanics of FF and REW.
If Tape Deck one works well, see if the doors are properly aligned between the two of them!
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