mini meet

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Member (SA)
So, Rich (apmfan) needed some robo parts from me and we decided to spend the afternoon visiting Rick (glue).

It was an awesome afternoon, I enjoyed listening to a number of boxes I have not heard before, getting a shock by the size of some boxes (smaller than i thought). Ricks collection is outstanding and the painted M90 is more stunning in the flesh, pictures don't do this thing justice.

lasonic sure sound different, big ben was nice, and the toshibas :drool:

Im glad I was able to show a couple of boxes Rich and Rick had not seen or heard ( national a2, kaboom lite and sony cfs-88)

Rich had a very minty fh7 to show off and a beautiful little bombeat, in red to boot.

A few little exchanges between us and the day was over to quickly.

Thanks to Rick for letting us in your museum (and for the H/P's) and a big thanks to Rich for driving me down to Geelong.

Next up a meet in Melbourne later this year.

If you have the chance I would advise people to meet up with each other. I had a great day and will be doing it again.

Thanks again R&R


Member (SA)
Wow thats a really nice news. But..... :morepics: please. Ive been thinking all the time that Glue's painted beauty is not showing even 10% of the real on pics. Im really glad for you dudes :thumbsup: . Meeting fellow boomcollectors should be really fun. Im geting :blush: from me.... Probably the distance you traveled down under is more that from Bulgaria to Austria (Roman , Kingrat ) or to Germany (all German dudes here and the famous German meetings). I should consider to visit some event. You are inspiring dudes :yes: . Thanks for sharing here this good times.


Staff member
Glad to see you guys hooking up! :thumbsup: We are still struggling to get our act together this year but hopefully something will give... :-/

shane higgins

Member (SA)
a real meet arron's place 8th may 2011 come on down
no just kiddin but we will post photos stay tuned
yes 4 5 6th nov will be in mel see ya then and a week each side


Member (SA)
It was an AWESOME afternoon/evening!!

Matt and Rich are stand up guys, it was so killer to share the love with them.

I can't believe I forgot to get any photos... such is the excitement of hot mini meets!

Thanks for coming down guys, you're welcome any time!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Good work fellas! Maybe we can do something on a larger scale towards the end of the year???
I'll put in the yards to make to Melbourne :yes:


Member (SA)
Such a great time, you guys are the best. :yes:

Firstly, thanks to Matt for supplying me with the final part for my minty Robo.....awesome. And, a nice little Sony CFS to boot!

Now my tapes won't jump out and jam...

Matt's place is a treasure trove of cool stuff, my head was spinning!

Rick, you made us feel so welcome, as always. A true brother. :thumbsup: This collection is simply amazing, he needs to start charging visitors - it's that good.

A great night, great tunes, varied and excellent boxes and most importantly great friends. But. alas, no photos. :sad:

When is the NEXT MEET GUYS!!!


I Am Legend
from now all --all member meetings should be REQUIRED --
to have complete - wall-to-wall video and sound coverage-

that would have been the next best thing to being at ricks :yes: :yes: :yes:



Member (SA)
you lucky sods having a mini meet :thumbsup:

10/10 for getting together
-2 for not taking any pics.

I give you guys a solid 8 :lol:

Hoping if this 'Melbourne meet' ever gets sorted that i
will be able to come over. It would be very cool :yes:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
well i rading arrons place on mothers day 8th may i think its his dads birth day so we will photo and film it all 10/10
we will win :hmmm:
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