Mini Meet At Rick's

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Member (SA)
A while back Rockey messaged me saying he wanted to downsize his collection, and I had a chat with Rich sony_apm_fan and we decided that between the two of us we could relieve our esteemed friend of the boomboxes he'd procured but no longer needed. Plans were organised and it transpired that Rich was working in my city on Friday, so he stayed over and Rocky would drive down from Canberra early in the morning to hook with us at my place on Saturday. Now, please bear in mind this is not a 'quick trip down the road'. This is a 730km (450miles) haul. But Rockey's a man of action and embakred on his journey at 1am to arrive here around 10am. Brutal!

Young Rich on the other hand was in poor health after being subjected to an atrociously prepared meal of (insert world famous chicken restaurant chain here), thankfully I avoided this digestive abomination with different items from the menu, but this was no help to poor Rich who had an unpleasant night, to say the least.

All issues aside, however, Rich replaced the LED's in his Lasonic LPC-82's speakers while he was down here. The very mild LED's that came stock were replaced with 5mm (I think) super bright ones, that were, well, a large improvement to say the least! The evidence can be seen below:


Excellent upgrade!!

This was our agenda last night and then this morning Rockey Esq. arrived with a very nice assortment of boxes for us both!


All these were in his car!! Amazing packing, and what a lovely range!!


Rich wasn't too convinced when I told him he needed Rockey's Auto-Sonic until he saw her and feel in love! Ahh, they're very cute together!


Rich was also rather happy with the deal he got for Rockey's 777. A handshake for proof, but one can't help but notice Rockey closing his eyes so he doesn't tear up over saying goodbye to her.


This didn't stop Rich from making out with the 777 right in front of him though! Such brazen behaviour.


My haul from Rockey, lots of gems in there I've been hunting for a while, they've found a good home. Thanks heaps, Rock!!


And after gushing over our new found radios and Rockey's wallet lined with plenty of cash went ouf for breakfast a local eatery before getting a group shot. We then parted ways till next time after a lot of fun, laughs and pure boomboxery.

Thanks for coming down guys and special thanks to Rockey for the long haul. Much appreciated, rocker!

Now we need to plan our November meet! Which will hopefully include AZA, Shane and Terry and whoever esle can make it at Rich's house. Rockin!!

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
That is totally rocken Rick :thumbsup: These mini meets are popping up everywhere :w00t: All great pick ups too :drool: :drool: I am so jealous of that haul :-D


Member (SA)
Great write up Rick :), I don't want to know what Rich is doing with the 777 at home considering the foreplay he performed right in front of us on it! ;)

Pleasure doing business and catching with you both :)

Not looking forward to the drive home though :(




Boomus Fidelis
awesome :thumbsup: that pic of him kissing the gf 777 reminds me of myself anytime i'm around my m90 :lol:

looks like a great time ,just wish i could be at one of these meets :-/ .

looks like you guys got some new stuff too play with ,enjoy!.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's really cool guys. I like that pic with his eyes closed shaking hands... looks soooo painful!


Member (SA)
REALLY FANTASTIC the way your share the hobby overthere!! It looks like i am the only one here in the Netherlands who has the boombox disease.. :sad:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
Radio 80's FM said:
Some nice boxes there! :drool:
Good score on the 777.
One day I may get an invite to a WA purple circle mini meet.
hey no purple circle here in WA you just got to come around some time :breakdance: :breakdance:
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