Midwest Meet!!

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Boomus Fidelis
I think we should get a midwest meet going for those of us who cant go far south for the meet... How about it Blue, Skippy, and even bobby :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Sounds good Bill !!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Spud Blu_Fuz and I are getting together for a mini meet on November 20th at Fuz's house in Fox Lake Wisconsin..... :yes: :w00t:
Maybe you could come...... :surf:
Ortherwise,yes we could get together down your way.
I'll bet Ernie jade would like to come too.
He lives in Bolingbrook Ill.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
baddboybill, you are more than welcome to come over too. Wife will be working all day so I have the house to myself to blast whatever and however we want.

Bring some boxes with ya.

Nov. 20th 10am-whenever. PM me if you want the address. I think this will be a great day.

I'm grilling out for lunch. Burgers, brats, hotdogs.....

We will call it the "Blu's bbx meat meet" :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks for the invite guys, it sounds real awsome :thumbsup: I will have to back with you. Thats my weekend with the kids and I have been waiting on surgery of my shouldr for over half year and still not sure when it will be :thumbsdown: But I will let ya know :-D
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