I finally had the opportunity to meet Luca "LazyLegz" Patuelli...all i can say is this guy is AMAZING
To see him work with, and inspire disabled kids is simply incredible. I have 2 friends (both in the pic) who are very good friends with LazyLegz...so tonight i through in 10 D Duracell batteries into my Clairtone 7980, called and picked up my 2 friends and went to the 2 hour dance session...all i can say it was one of the best times i've ever had and i met some wonderful kids also...Luca...you are THE best man...keep doing what you're doing we need positive people like you...NO EXCUSES NO LIMITS 
If you want to see LazyLegz dance check out his videos on Youtube, and also check out the link below of his 2.5km walk he did this past summer...my friend is also in the vid it's worth the watch!

If you want to see LazyLegz dance check out his videos on Youtube, and also check out the link below of his 2.5km walk he did this past summer...my friend is also in the vid it's worth the watch!
